Chapter 13

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~Ashley's P.O.V.~

I awoke I Demi's arms and memories from last night filled my mind. I can't believe it. I'm dating my idol. I pinched myself to make sure it wasn't a dream. I guess I still got to let it sink in. I looked to the side and saw Demi there staring at me.

"Good morning, beautiful." Demi said to me

"Morning." I said back yawing causing Demi to laugh a bit. God her laugh.

We lied there staring at each other smiling. I noticed her gaze going from my eyes to my lips. I know what that means and honestly I can tell I'm doing the same thing and I wanted the same thing, so I leaned forward a bit placing my lips on hers. Demi immediately responded, kissing me back.

Her lips taste amazing, now that there is no more whipped cream on her or my lips, I can taste them better. They taste a bit between apple and cinnamon. It's unique but amazing, just like her. She pulled away when her stomach grumbled. I looked at the clock to see that it was nearly 11am. I really wanted to kiss her more but I know that we should eat something.

"Come on, let's get some yummy food in your tummy." I said sounding like I was talking to a five year old.

"I'm not five!" Demi said while pouting looking really cute.

"I'm sorry babe." I said leaning down to kiss her one last time.

We went down stairs and I made us pancakes. Demi wanted to help but we couldn't risk her burning the food now could we? Certainly not. After we ate, which took around an hour with us taking turns feeding each other and stealing kisses every now and then. But now I had to go back home. I really didn't want to but mum wanted me to spend a bit of time in the house before tonight. I guess relax without being around anyone and that she would know where to pick me up for tonight from.

Demi couldn't really take me. It's against the rules to have a relationship between contestant and judge so we have to keep our relationship a secret, but it's all worth it. But I was so nervous for tonight. I really didn't want to be sent home!

"Dems...I'm nervous." I told her as I was about to leave.

"Nervous about what baby?" She said back to me.

"About tonight. I don't want to be sent home." I told her as she came up to me and hugged me. I hugged back.

"Aww baby. Trust me you won't be sent home, you killed it last night and I'm sure after that heaps of people like you now! It would be crazy if you were sent home. You have the best vocals in this competition. Not being biased or anything." Demi told me.

I smiled big and after that most my nerves were gone. I kissed her one last time before I left to go home. When I got home I was by myself. Josh, Olyviah and Tayler were all at school and mum was out somewhere. I walked into the dining room and saw a letter addressed to me on the table. I picked the letter up and decided to take it to my room to read it. I sat on my bed and opened the letter.

Dear Ashley,
I haven't written to you in a while. I miss you guys so much you couldn't imagine. I have only written to you as I haven't got time to write to the others and I know that you miss me the most, even more than your mother and that's saying something. I feel really bad for missing out on so much of your life. I remember holding you when you were first born; it was the happiest day of my life. From that day on I knew that you'll turn out to be special and talented. I know you'll go far with that voice of yours, it's incredible. Anyway I wanted to be there to see you and your siblings grow up but I have missed your birthday and haven't been there much since you were 6. I haven't missed the others birthdays but I have missed yours. Your mother would always tell me how upset you were on your birthday when I wasn't there. I feel really bad and guilty and if you hate me I totally understand. I haven't been there for the 2 most important so far: your 10th (double digits) and your 13th (teen ages) and I most hope that I won't miss your 18th. This is probably sounding really sad so I'll get to the whole point of this letter. I wrote to you to tell you that I'll be seeing you in 2 months, for your 17th birthday. I won't miss it this year.
I miss and love you Ash.
Love Your Dad. <3

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