Chapter 8

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~Brad's P.O.V.~

I'm at the auditions for X Factor walking in when I see Ashley. That's right she did mention that to me a couple weeks ago. I hope she goes alright. I didn't want her to know that I was here, it might make her more nervous. I could tell by her face that she was nervous. I was to lost in my thoughts and looking at Ashley that I had managed to walk into a pole. Great going Brad.

"Brad the d-doors t-t-this w-w-way." Aidan laughed.

"Shut up." I said back to him.

I grabbed his hand and walked in the doors and to our seats. Out seats were about 4 rows from the judges table which is pretty good. Aidan was jumping beside me excitedly. I hope he will have fun today. Hopefully there will be a lot of bad/funny auditions. Those types are the most entertaining but the ones who are really good are quite entertaining just not as entertaining.

It's been a while and the judges were having there first break. The auditions so far have been really good and it's heaps of fun watching my little brother singing and sometimes dancing along.

After the judges returned and a few more people had sung a girl whose name would be Ashley walked out. She looked so nervous as she walked out with her head down. When she got to the front she looked up and around and everything and everyone. She had a nervous smile. One of the judges, I think her name's Demi Lovato or something I don't know, asked Ashley if she had seen her dancing before. I never knew Ashley could dance. Maybe she could teach me I suck.

That judge kept asking her questions and Ashley kept stuttering and she blushed a few times and laughed. When she said her song she said it so confidently that would've shocked everyone. Definitely shocked me. She said she was going to do an acoustic version of Demons by Imagine Dragons. Only then did I realise that she had her guitar with her.

*Demons-Imagine Dragons*
When the days are cold

And the cards all fold
And the saints we see
Are all made of gold

When your dreams all fail
And the ones we hail
Are the worst of all
And the blood's run stale

I wanna hide the truth
I wanna shelter you
But with the beast inside
There's nowhere we can hide

No matter what we breed
We still are made of greed
This is my kingdom come
This is my kingdom come

When you feel my heat
Look into my eyes
It's where my demons hide
It's where my demons hide
Don't get too close
It's dark inside
It's where my demons hide
It's where my demons hide

Your eyes, they shine so bright

I wanna save that light
I can't escape this now
Unless you show me how

When you feel my heat
Look into my eyes
It's where my demons hide
It's where my demons hide
Don't get too close
It's dark inside
It's where my demons hide
It's where my demons hide

WOW, was all I could think. I never knew she was that good of a singer. Her voice is really unique. She looked really focused while singing. Her playing the guitar is fantastic as well! Is there anything she can't do? Everyone had settled down and now the judges were telling her what they thought.

Aidan and I were laughing at a few of them. Especially Redfoo. He was really enthusiastic which was hilarious. I could tell that Ashley wasn't actually listening much to the others but when it came to Demi she listened very closely to. I could tell that Ashley was a fan of Demi. It was very obvious.

The judges all voted and Ashley got 4 yeses!! I knew she would!! Aww she started crying and then ran off the stage. After Ashley the judges decided that they were going for a break and I had to talk to Ashley.

"I'll be right back. Stay here." I told Aidan then took off.

I ran down the hallway to the door that leads outside and when I finally got outside I saw Ashley. I had to get her to stop so I yelled out to her.

"Ash, Ash. Ashley. ASHLEY!" I called out to her.

She must've heard me as she slowly turned around. When she saw me she looked really confused. I walked over to her. I noticed that her mum and her little brother had already gone to their car and it was just Ashley and myself.

"Brad? What are you doing here?" She asked me still really confused.

"Uh...I forgot to tell you but I had gotten tickets ages ago for these auditions. I saw your audition and I thought that I should tell you how good you were! I love your singing its amazing!" I told her. When I did she looked really happy, I would too if someone were telling me that I was good.

"Oh well thanks!" She said excitedly.

Thoughts raced through my head and I knew that there was only one thing that I have to do right now. I just need to. I looked down at her lips and then leaned I and kissed her. She didn't kiss back she only stiffened up. I pulled away to just see her face. It was full of confusion, but I was scared and for a reason I can't tell.

I then quickly ran back into the building from where I had just came from back to my seat, leaving Ashley all confused and surprised.

~Demi's P.O.V.~

I was shocked. I felt really jealous. Why? I do not know but I just did not like that guy kiss Ashley. I was angered, shocked and jealous. The only thing I noticed was that her body stiffened and from where I was standing it looked like she didn't kiss back. When he had pulled away I saw her face filled with shock and confusion.

The guy looked really scared. Why would he be scared? After awhile of him staring at her he ran back inside the building. Ash just kept standing there. Her face never changed. It was as if she were frozen. I kept staring at her, yeah I know I'm a creep, but then her mum had to honk the horn so she would turn away from me so I couldn't see her face anymore.

I kept watching her until their car had left. I walked back inside and to the judges desk. I looked around the audience and saw a familiar face. It was the guy who kissed Ashley!! I instantly hated him and felt angered by just staring at him so I sat down in my chair and I never looked back his way for the rest of the day there.

~Ashley's P.O.V.~

Once I had turned around I noticed that is was Brad who had called my name out. I stopped walking and let mum and Josh go back to the car first. I was confused as to what he was doing here. He walked up to me and I was still very confused. I needed answers.

"Brad? What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Uh...I forgot to tell you but I had gotten tickets ages ago for these auditions. I saw your audition and I thought that I should tell you how good you were! I love your singing its amazing!" Brad told me.

When he told me how good he thought I was I got really happy, but I'm not letting it get to my head. There are still people who are way better than me. But at least I had my answers now I was happy, partially the reason I was smiling. 1) What he told me and 2) I got the answers I wanted. I know the 2nd one isn't much to be happy about, but people rarely tell me much when I ask questions so yeah.

"Oh well thanks!" I told him excitedly.

I noticed he was thinking really hard about something and then he looked at my lips. I instantly knew what was going to happen and before I could do anything his lips were on mine. I stiffened and my eyes went wide. I was so confused and shocked.

Did he have some sort of feelings for me? But he looked scared when he pulled away and looked at my face to see my reaction. A few minutes later he ran off through the doors back into the building. I was too shocked to move. I have to ask him. Talk to him about this. But when? I'll probably do it tomorrow when I can actually think straight.

I didn't feel anything when he kissed me. You're meant to right? I hope my mum didn't see. She would definitely tease me about this. Ugh...I'll just hope for the best. I thought I could feel someone staring at me but I was pulled out of my thoughts when my mum honked the horn indicating for me to get in the car. I slowly turned back around and walked to the car.

I got in the car and mum started driving. I don't think she saw. But then she may ask later when Josh isn't around. As we drove home I was still in shock so I didn't talk. The car ride home was completely silent with my silent pleas for my mum to not have seen.

Chapter 8 done YAY!!
Sorry it took so long but I find it hard writing in Brad's P.O.V. so this is his second last P.O.V. in here.
I also had to sort out a lot of things for school :( :(
Also sorry it's shorter than normal but I will make up for it and make the next couple chapters longer. :P
I feel really disappointed in myself for this chapter and how short it is! Hopefully you'll still like it though
I have up to chapter 11 planned so far :)

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! :)


Thanks for reading!
Stay Cool =P

One Story, One Message, One Audtition ➵ Demi LovatoWhere stories live. Discover now