Chapter 27

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~Ashley's P.O.V.~
I sit here waiting. Waiting for someone to tell me why I'm here, what this is about. Suddenly the door opened and in walked Demi. Demi looked at me and gave me a small smile, which I returned. She sat down in the chair next to me.

I was getting slightly frustrated, I just wanted to know why the hell we are here. I barely slept last night because the others were being really noisy and basically had a party til about 4:30am. Annoying, right?

Well finally Simon came in. Oh I forgot to tell you Simon called me down here, to X Factor, so he could have a chat with me. Didn't realise it involved Demi. Not going to lie but I'm so nervous I'm basically shaking, just not physically shaking if you understand what I'm trying to get at.

He sat down at his desk and took out a folder and started to look through it. My heart rate started to pick up.

'calm down'

'calm down'

"calm down'

I repeated to myself over and over again til I could get as calm as i could possibly get right now. I wouldn't be like this if I knew the reason. And what makes it more nerve wrecking is Demi being here. This, whatever it is obviously involves the both of us and right now the worst possible reason has crept into my head. I could only think about one thing...

They know about Demi and I.

~Demi's P.O.V.~

I got woken up by my phone going off. Why are people calling me so early on my day off? I hate when people do this it's very, very annoying. Well I sat up and rubbed my eyes and answered the phone not bothering to check to see who it was.

"Hello?" I say, my voice raspy.

"Hello Demi, something has come to my attention and I need you down here right away. See you in about an hour." The person, who was Simon, hung up before I could even answer.

I couldn't think properly so I got ready, not really bothering for my appearance as I knew nobody would see me, nor would they care. I brushed my hair and put light make up on and put a hoodie and some ripped jeans on. 

Once I was ready, which didn't take much time, I grabbed my keys and phone and wrote Mar a note.

Something came up at X Factor so I had to go down there today. Hopefully I'll be back soon. Movie day when I'm back? Text me.
Love you Mar xx
-Dems xx

I stopped by a coffee shop on the way, just a little local one and finished my drink by the time I had gotten to X Factor.

I quickly walked in and instantly saw Simon.

"Hello Demi, you seem to be early. Go to my office and I'll be there in a few minutes," Simon said really formally which may or may not have made me start worrying as to why I am here.

As soon as I walked into Simon's office I saw a a familiar pair of eyes looking at me. Why is Ash here? I thought as I sat down on the chair that was next to the one Ash was sitting in. 

I looked over at Ash a few times when she wasn't noticing. She probably was just as nervous as what I am. I tried to come up with the best possible reason and not the worst but every reason came up just as bad.

I kept trying and was so in thought that I hadn't even heard Simon walk through the door and sit down. 

"So Demi and Ashley. The reason you too are here is...." I heard Simon say and I got cut off by the only thought going through my mind as I saw Simon looking at the folder and talking...

They know about us...

So this is short but woAH much cliffhanger? I don't really know whether to call it that. I tried to make this intense but ended up not knowing how to really. It would've only been 200 words but yeah I changed it! 

I AM SO SORRY ABOUT HOW LONG IT'S BEEN!!  I hope to start being able to write more for you all so I can get to that sequel and more stories quicker.

So i'm going to ask a few questions starting with the most obvious one

1. What do you think is going to happen?

2. What would you like to see happen before this story ends? 

3. What did you think about the chapter?

4. Would you like to slap me for lack of updates? because I do! :P

So I hope you all liked this chapter and comment and vote because that's what motivates me! 


Hope you liked the chapterrr!!!

Stay cool!
Stay Strong!
Thanks for reading!
*gives cookie*

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