Chapter 26

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~Ashley's P.O.V.~

Since the party we had another week of live shows and guess what?! I'm still in the competition! This is great. I can see Demi so much more. We have been near inseparable but I have noticed her becoming slightly more distant from me. It's weird but the times we don't spend together she's planning for her tour. 

Maybe she's just stressed about her tour. I sure hope that's the reason and that I haven't done anything to upset her. Oh gosh, if I had upset her I would never forgive myself. I should talk to her about it but would she take offence to it? That I don't know and I don't feel like getting on the bad side of her right now.

Today is Wednesday. A week after Demi's birthday. A week since she turned 22. A week since she accepted my promise ring. Oh how I will never forget that day. That day has been etched into my brain probably for the rest of my life. Still so shocked and unexpected. I was expecting Demi to turn it down but I'm so glad and grateful that she hadn't. Reassures me so much.

Anyway I have a mentoring session with Demi after she gets back from the studio. They are starting to get all the dancers and all of the lights and effects ready for the tour. I'll miss Demi when she goes on tour. I hope that I can go with her. I'd love to see her on stage, singing live. I bet I'd start fangirling really bad and become an embarrassment but oh well, she'll be able to deal with it.

I looked at the time and saw that it was nearly time to leave. I was walking with Alisa to the mentor session. Katelynn's still being as weird as ever and talking to Ciara more. Maybe they are both coming up with a plan..

I try and think of what their plan could be if they had one but I couldn't think of one. 

"Hey Ash you ready?" Alisa asked shaking me from my thoughts.

"As ready as I'll ever be. I wonder what songs it will be this week," I say curiously wondering.

"I hope it'll be something recent. We keep doing old songs and I just want something from hmmm this era maybe?" Alisa laughs and I join in.

Alisa can be pretty funny and I'm glad we have become friends.

"Hopefully, but knowing this show it probably won't be. Let's just cross our fingers, feet, legs, toes, arms and eyes," I said to Alisa jokingly.

"You're such a dork Ash," Alisa said shoving me slightly while laughing.

We started to walk towards X Factor for our mentoring sessions. Surprisingly mine is before anyone elses. Normally Demi always puts mine last, I wonder why she decided to change it. Anyway We got to X Factor and we sat outside the room just waiting for Demi. 

About 10 minutes later Demi appeared walking down the hall with Nick. They looked pretty friendly but I shook it off, Demi wouldn't be that type of person. Well I think she wouldn't be anyway. I trust her, hell I'd trust her with my whole life. 

"Hey Alisa, Ash," Demi said hugging us both, "Nick's going to observe today, so come on in Ash."

I followed the both of them into the room and stood behind the microphone while Demi and Nick went to sit down....

...Well that sure was one interesting mentor session. I felt so awkward around the two of them. It was like I was the third wheel, with my own girlfriend! I get that Nick doesn't know but she doesn't have to act that way with Nick. Maybe I'm just over reacting, because you know Nick and Demi have that history and all so maybe it's just the brother/sister like relationship that they claim to have showing.

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