Chapter 30~ Final Chapter

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~Ashley's P.O.V.~

I awoke the next morning and I had magically ended up in bed. I sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I looked around the room and saw Alisa in her bed and another figure in the middle of the floor asleep.

Being the curious person I am, I got out of bed to see who this person could be. What I didn't see was a shoe on the ground in front of me, which cause me to trip and fall over. I quickly figured out who the person I had just fallen on to was.

Even though it was only a groan I could tell it was Mar and then I all of last night came flooding back into my mind. About us laying on the grass looking up at the stars. I was cuddled up to Marissa and I must've fallen asleep. Which means she must have carried me up here and put me in bed.

"Marissa," I called while poking her cheeks.

"Mmm what?" She mumbled still half asleep.

"Boooo!" I half screamed with my face really close to hers.

Lets just say I was really on the floor for good now. She'd jerked so much to cause me to fall off her. Oh and her scream probably woke the whole neighbourhood up. 

Well now I don't have to worry about waking Alisa up.

"Geez Ash," Mar said holding her hand to her chest.

"What?" I said innocently smiling.

"You amuse me Ash," Mar said shaking her head.

"Hey, don't shake your head at me," I pouted and then Marissa hugged me.

"The both of you are massive dorks," I heard Alisa say, still with her morning voice.

"Are not," I said my voice muffled by Marissa's shoulder.

"Don't deny the truth Ash," Alisa said now getting up.

"STACKS ON!" Alisa shouted and jumped on top of Marissa causing us to fall backwards and they both landed on top of me.

We all laughed constantly for a few minutes before i tried to get them off bu they held onto me tighter.

"I c-can't b-breathe," I said gasping dramatically for air.

They both got off me but rather slowly. Once they were off I quickly stood up so they couldn't do anything else to me.

I quickly glanced at my phone and saw that it was 9:45am. It takes 10 minutes to get to Demi's. I had to hurry.

"Okay, I have to leave in 5 minutes and Mar I need you to drive me to Demi's," I said in a rushing tone.

The two of them stopped laughing and suddenly went serious as I was now in a serious state.

"Wait, why are you going to Demi's?" Alisa asked with a confused expression.

"Oh since she couldn't see me last night after the show, she wanted me to drop by so she could talk to me," I easily lied.

"Oh that makes sense, well I had a fun last night with you Ash, and I'm definitely going to miss you a lot around here. You have my number so don't be a stranger," Alisa said hugging me tightly.

"I'll miss you heaps too. I'll definitely call, you'll go crazy being around Katelynn alone," I joked and pulled away from the hug.

We said our goodbyes, which were more like talk soon, and I grabbed my suitcases and Mar and I headed to her car and to Demi's house. 

We pulled up at Demi's and Mar went up to the door. We had this plan that I would surpris her even though she was most likely waiting for me. But I was standing on the footpath not too far from the house.

Mar was supposed to give me a signal but that never came. I jumped slightly when I heard a bush rustle. I walked towards the side of the house to see what it could be. I couldn't help but let out a gasp at what I saw...

Nick, trying to put his clothes on while climbing out of the window, onto the tree so he could get down. 

I could feel the tears welling in my eyes...this couldn't be true. Tell me that wasn't from Demi's room. I was hoping it wasn't when I already know that it was.

I ran inside the house and up the stairs to where i saw Mar standing outside the closed door, patiently waiting for Demi to open it.

"Ash I never gave you the signal. She said she'll be out soon," Mar said casually.

I couldn't help but burst into tears. I was immediately embraced by Mar.

"Ash, what's wrong?" Mar asked me trying to calm me down.

I couldn't calm down enough to tell her before Demi's door flew open.

"What do you-" Demi stopped mid sentence so I assume she saw me.

"Ash, what's wrong?" Demi tried to hug me or touch my arms but i sunk into Mar.

"D-d-don't t-touch me," I sobbed.

I saw the hurt flash across her face which got me angry. She had no right to be hurt. Not after what she just did.

"What the hell, Ash!" Demi said raising her voice.

"Y-you know w-what," I had stopped sobbing as much as the anger had taken over and slowed down my crying.

"Um, no I don't,"

"Don't y-you dare play d-dumb Demetria," My voice was starting to lace anger and venom in each word I said.

"I have no clue what you're talking about!" Demi's voice raised more.

"Hey Mar, guess what?" I turned to face her.

"What?" Mar asked slightly confused.

"Guess who I saw climbing naked out her window," I said pointing towards Demi.

"No, no you didn't see anything," Demi had the nerve to say.

"Oh really now? I didn't see Nick climbing out your window half naked?" I said raising my eyebrow and starting to tear up again.

"Wait, you had sex with Nick?!" Mar said with her voice raised.

"I wouldn't say that exactly," Demi said crossing her arms.

"Well then what?! Because what Ash said definitely sounds like it!" Mar was clearly angry. 

I was glad she was talking because I probably wouldn't be able to talk without my voice cracking.

"I can explain," Demi said starting to sound nervous.

"S-save it D-de-emi," I said quickly standing up, though I was shaking, and ran out the door ignoring all the calls from both Demi and Marissa. 

I didn't bother about my suitcase. I just ran, I ran to the nearest park and sat down. Tears pouring out my eyes. My heart breaking more with each sob.

~Demi's P.O.V.~

There was a loud know on my door which startled me. I jumped and felt a body next to me. That's when I remembered everything about last night. Shit, Mar must be home. 

I shook Nick and he looked at me but when I noticed he was about to say something I covered his mouth with my hand and mouthed for him to not talk. And that's when a second knock came and he had seemed to understand. 

He instantly jumped up and tried to get his clothes on but I was rushing him too much I guess, because he ended up still naked climbing out my window with me pushing him out too. 

I heard another knock. 

"I'll be there in a minute," I shouted at whoever was on the other side.

I quickly got dressed and got myself before I opened the door.

"What do you-" I stopped mid sentence as I saw Ash in Mar's arms crying. 

"Ash, what's wrong?" I said and tried to hug her but she shrunk back into Mar's arms

"D-d-don't t-touch me," Ash sobbed loudly.

Well that hurt. But then I instantly though, what if she saw Nick? No she couldn't have. 

"What the hell, Ash!" I said raising my voice.

"Y-you know w-what," Ash had slowed down her sobbing a bit so it was a bit easier to understand her now.

"Um, no I don't," I said rather defensively.

"Don't y-you dare play d-dumb Demetria," Her voice was slightly laced with venom and it started to scare me more, I'm almost certain now she saw.

"I have no clue what you're talking about!" I raised my voice more to try and show that I had no idea what she was talking about when, really, I did.

"Hey Mar, guess what?" She said as she faced Mar.

"What?" Mar asked slightly confused.

"Guess who I saw climbing naked out her window," Ash said now pointing towards me.

"No, no you didn't see anything," I said, trying to play it out.

"Oh really now? I didn't see Nick climbing out your window half naked?" Ash said with her voice slightly more raised and she started tearing up again.

"Wait, you had sex with Nick?!" Mar said with her voice raised.

"I wouldn't say that exactly," I crossed my arms so I felt more secure.

"Well then what?! Because what Ash said definitely sounds like it!" Mar was clearly angry at me now.

"I can explain," I said starting to lose my confidence with Mar yelling.

"S-save it D-de-emi," Ash said, then stood up and ran out the door. 

Both Mar and I called out for her but she didn't stop.

"I can't believe it," Mar yelled shaking her head.

Mar instantly ran after Ash and I just stood there. I soon slid down the wall staring blankly at the other wall in front of me.

I didn't know how to feel. I enjoyed being with Nick in that way. But I also enjoy my relationship with Ash. I really did truly love her. 

Now that I think of it I only liked Nick in that way I guess.

Well now I have one of two choices....

Do I save my relationship with Ash...or move on and start one with Nick...

I feel like disappearing, you know....I hate having to pretend to be happy or okay all the one seems to understand when I try to explain and when I open up, people just throw it back in my face, so you know what? I'm done with it...I'm done with opening up. I can't do it anymore.

*Stares with no emotion writing this, trying to work out whether to be happy or sad*

I guess I'm happy to have finished my first chapter book (wow I sound like I'm in grade 1 again) But also sad because I have enjoyed this journey with such great people commenting and voting and I have made such great friends. 

But don't worry everyone I have a sequel coming out in Jan 2015. Why the long wait you say? Because I'm going on break and I've put all my stories on hold. 

I hope you have liked this story and the journey of it too. I hope you all read the sequel! 


~Sorry if the second half is crappy, wasn't in the best state sorry.~


1. How did you like the ending?

2. Fave part of the final chapter?

3. What would you like to see in the sequel? 
Like -Drama? If so between who?
         - cute moments? If so between who
        - Just anything else you can think of?

4. Will you read the sequel?

Thanks for reading the whole of this story and supporting me through my life and me writing this. 

I can't believe how many read and votes and comments this story has gotten! Thank you all so much!

Thank you all for being able to deal with me!

Thanks for reading!
*Gives multiple cookies to celebrate*

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