Chapter 3

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~Ashley's P.O.V.~  

As I turned the corner nearing the school, what I saw right in front of my angered me so much. It was obviously a road rage incident that was about to turn horridly wrong. There was an older guy who looked to be in is mid thirties threatening a young guy who only appeared to be in his early twenties but could still be in his teens, I'm not really sure, all I know is that younger guy is super hot! Anyway..the older guy was holding a massive piece of wood in his hands.

I took my phone out of my pocket and ran over there as fast as I can.

"Hey! I'll call the police!" I shouted at them.

"Woah, I'll just back off then," The older guy said sarcastically which just angered me even more,
"Yeah like I'm so scared of, what a 12 year old?" He said tauntingly. 

"I'm 16 you dick!" I shouted back at him.

Apparently he didn't like this so he dropped the piece of wood in his hands and went to throw a punch at me. Luckily for me I caught his wrist before it collided with my face and maneuvered him into a position that he wouldn't be able to get out of. Thanks mum for the self defence classes. 

"Now I suggest you leave or I will report you to the police," I told him while I pointed my knife at him. Oh and yes I do carry a knife on me but who knows when you're going to need it. 

"You're crazy," He spat before he ran to his car and got in it.

I put my knife back into my left combat boot and looked over towards the man. He had a shocked expression which was soon replaced with a thankful smile.

"Hey you okay?" I asked the younger guy.

"Yeah I'm fine, thanks! You're very brave and kind! Thank you a million!!" He replied great fully. I was glad he was okay.

"All in a days work, sir" I said in my best superhero voice which made him laugh, "But I really have to go pick up my brother from school."

"Wait! me, I would love to get to know my superhero," He said with a bit of a laugh while giving me his number.

I knew for sure that I was going to text him later! I mean who would give up a chance to talk to a guy that hot!

I was now at Josh's school and seeing as there were still kids leaving that I wasn't as late as I thought.

"Hey bud!" I said to Josh as he bounced down the stairs and ran to give me a hug.

"Ashy!!" He said excitedly as I laughed at the nickname he gave me. I'm the only one who he has a nickname for, it actually makes me feel special and important. I picked him up and started walking. 

"So how was school?" I asked him.

"It was good! All my friends were there! But like you always say, it was so tiring." I laughed as he mimicked what I always say.

We were nearly home so I thought that I should ask him.

"So Josh, I gotta ask you a question...what would you say/do if I told you that I'm going to audition for X Factor?" I asked him.

"ARE YOU GOING TO AUDITION, ASHY?! I WOULD LOVE IT IF YOU DID! YOU'RE THE BEST SINGER i KNOW!" He screamed right in my ear. I swear I've practically gone deaf in my right ear.

One Story, One Message, One Audtition ➵ Demi LovatoWhere stories live. Discover now