Chapter 22

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~Demi's P.O.V.~ 

I was rushing around my house trying to figure out what to wear. Ash must think I'm going to wear something super hot but nothing seems hot enough. Ah she's going to turn up and look like some kind of godess and then I'm going to look like crap compared to her.

I gave up on finding anything so I'm now just sitting in my wardrobe frustrated. I heard the door open and I looked up to find Marissa staring back down at me and looking at the mess I had caused. Every single bit of clothing was thrown around the wardrobe. I have heaps of clothes just no dresses hot enough for Ash. I'm going to a party with her I have to look perfect.

"Demi? What's going on?" Marissa asked me, confusion laced in her voice.

"I can't find anything to wear!" I wailed out.

She still looked at me confused. I thought she would understand but obviously not.

"Uh what do you mean? What about everything around you?" Mar asked me.

"No. No. No. Nothings good enough for her. I need to look perfect. And nothing is perfect!" I cried out to Mar.

I was curled in a ball, so frustrated with not being able to find anything. I felt Mar come over and wrap her arms around me pulling me on her lap.

"Aw. I have a black thigh high dress that you might like." Mar said pulling me up onto my feet.

We walked to her room and I went and sat on her bed while she went to get the dress. Mar came back with the dress and it was perfect. It was hot and sexy. Definitely perfect for the party and for Ash.

"Dem, go try this on." Mar told me.

I happily got up and took the dress from her to try on. I put it on and just stared at myself in the mirror. It was perfect. I was finally happy with the choice and even though it's just simple it's still amazing. It goes great with my make-up and I have the perfect heels for it too. I walked out to show Mar.

"Wow Dem, you look hot. Ash will sure love it." Mar said as she looked me up and down.

I ran and hugged her.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." I said while giving her a massive hug.

"D-dem, can't b-bre-eathe.." She said and I let go of her and pulled away.

"Sorry." I said.

I looked at the time and I had to leave now if I wanted to make it there on time. I quickly said bye to Mar and rushed out the door and got into my car to drive to the party. The party was at a hall that they booked out. I forgot the name of the hall but I know how to get there. I can't wait to see the girls again. You know how I helped put them together? Yeah well I'm going to ask them to open for me for my upcoming tour for my latest single Really Don't Care.

This next tour is going to be just as big as my Neon Lights Tour and this one is going to be a worldwide tour! I'm pretty excited because I'm going to some countries I haven't been to which is exciting.

I got to the hall and got out. There weren't many people here yet so I was pretty early. I walked in and was immediately tackled in a hug by all the girls from Fifth Harmony.

"WE MISSED YOU DEMS!!" They all screamed as they hugged me.

"I missed you guys too!!" I said as they released me from their embrace.

We were talking about what has happened over the year that we haven't seen each other properly I and I thought it would be a great time to ask them to open for me on tour. They opened for me last time and everyone seemed to love them. Heck I even loved seeing them perform. They are just amazing. They should've won X Factor, but they're doing better than the winner so that's a good thing. They are all so talented.

One Story, One Message, One Audtition ➵ Demi LovatoWhere stories live. Discover now