Chapter 7

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~Demi's P.O.V~

Today the auditions so far actually haven't been as bad. Melbourne really has a lot of talent and I'm glad that I am here to discover it all. The only problem is that I haven't heard the voice. You know the voice that is just unique and blows you away from the first word. Nearly everyone has been sounding the same.

Not many people have made the song their own either. They just copy the original artist, which can sometimes cost them and blow the whole audition. It's starting to get boring. All the voices sound the same, my fellow judges are acting the exact same like all of the other auditions. I'm just so glad that these are the last auditions.

I can't wait for boot camp and judges houses. I can go back home for judges houses! Back to America! 

We are all waiting for the next contestant to come out, sing then go back off the stage just so we can go to our break. We don't get many maybe only about 2-3. But overall I really really LOVE my job! You have the creeps, the cuties, the hot ones, the old, the young pretty much every type of person. It's amazing getting to see different peoples personalities.

Unfortunately this contestant didn't get through but you know what time it is now.....BREAKTIME!! Yay! I know I'm weird but unique and you all love me. Anyway as we walked backstage into the greenroom I took some photos with my lovatics and then went in.

When we got to the room they had almond in a bowl on the table with some water. We had in the room a little sofa and a little table. Then we each had a mirror with a seat with our name on it that we can sit at during the breaks. We only really sit on the sofa if we have an interview or something like that in the room. We also had a toilet as well.

I grabbed a few almonds and ate them. I really really needed to pee but when I got to the toilet someone else was already in there so I had to use the one that the public use. I quickly ran down the hallway. People were giving me weird looks but you know what? I don't give a shit, I need to pee!! 

After I had gone to the toilet I started walking back down the hallway at a much slower pace than before. I heard someone say a name that sounded really familiar. I looked around and found a mother trying to get attention of her son by saying his name. Josh. That name sounded really familiar. 

Then it clicked, that's Ashley's brothers name and that kid looked like he was 8 or 9 so that could be him. Ashley is going to audition today as well, but I didn't see her. Maybe she is somewhere else but where?

I was drawn out of my thoughts when I could hear my song Who's That Boy playing somewhere. Being the curious person that I am, I decided to follow where the music was coming from. I got closer to the song and I walked around the corner to see this girl dancing to the song. I knew the dance was hip hop based .

She was so good and I couldn't keep my eyes off her hips and the way they moved. It was really sexy, hell the dance was sexy. I didn't see her face much but I did see a lot of her legs as her skirt kept going up. But she had shorts on so it wasn't too bad. But you could still see how long her legs were.

This girl was around my height and I really liked her choice of outfit. Maybe she should help me with my clothes. What got me out of my thoughts was when the song ended and she stopped dancing.

"That was really good!!" I told her. I noticed her jump a little bit, I didn't mean to scare her.

She slowly turned around, obviously to see who I was. When she was fully turned my way her eyes went wide with surprise. I think shes a lovatic.

"Uh..t-t-thanks." She stuttered. I have to admit it always funny when people stutter because of me but she actually made it cute.

I noticed she was staring at me so I didn't say anything at first. I've had a lot of people stare at me and I've felt self conscious. Don't get me wrong I do kind of feel self conscious when she's staring at me but I actually am enjoying it. Then I decided that she had been staring for long enough so I started laughing. When she noticed I was laughing at her she started to blush slightly.

"Demi 5 minutes.." I heard a man yell. Damn means I have to leave, but looks like she's auditioning so I'll be able to see her then.

"Well I got to go but it seems like your auditioning so I'll catch your name there...Good luck!" I told her then walked away back to the room.

I got back to the greenroom and had 2 minutes before we had to go back to the panel. I couldn't stop thinking bout that girl. I really want to hear her voice and I really want to see what Ashley looks and sounds like. Ugh I can't wait. Maybe I should message her on Wattpad. I know she wouldn't see it til later but it's still nice.

I had to go back to the panel and I quickly pulled my phone out, clicked on the Wattpad app and went to my messages between Ash and I.

@ddlovatic: Hey Ash. Just thought I'd wish you luck for today. You are going to rock it, I just know. Be the rockstar you are! Have fun, Good luck!! 

I typed and sent quickly before the next person walked out onto the stage. The auditions went on and I was bored. to. death. Seriously, I kept taking my phone out, I got that bored. Ronan kept having to tell me to put my phone away. I felt like I was in school again. jeez.

Why did they have to do it in massive amounts. It would be better if they had more days for auditions and that way we could have less people. It would be way easier to judge and when I would start to get bored it would pretty much be over.

But unfortunately it apparently doesn't work that way.

I heard another person walk out onto the stage and it was the girl I had seen earlier. Yay! I really wanted to talk more with her. At least it's my turn to talk to the people auditioning. She kept her head down nearly the whole way to the front of the stage. It was obvious she was nervous.

When she got to the front she looked up and around at everyone and everything, so when she looked my way I smiled widely at her. I was trying to make her less nervous and us less intimidating. A lot of people say we are intimidating. But it was the girl who danced that sexy dance who now looks like a pop/country singer. 

"Hey you were the one who I saw dancing out there before right?" I asked her while noticing that she was clutching a guitar close to her chest.

"Uh...y-y-yeah." She said nervously while stuttering.

She stuttered. How cute! I instantly burst out laughing. I didn't mean to, I just couldn't help it. I feel really bad now but she laughed a bit too so that's fine, right?

"You were really good! Anyway name and age?" I said to her. It was the truth, I wanted her to teach me the dance.

"Thanks n-names Ashley Henderson, but you can c-call me Ash and I'm 16." She told me still stuttering!

Then I realised it's MY ASHLEY!! Right in front of me is my Ashley!! I couldn't be happier that she is standing right before me, even if she doesn't know.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl." I said with a wink.

Wait did I just wink? Am I flirting with her already. Nice going Demetria.

"U-uh t-thanks." She replied.

She tried to hide her face but I still saw her blush. Her cheeks went all rosy and her smile grew heaps.

"Haha...what are you singing for us today?" I tried to play it off cool, just so she wouldn't be as embarrassed about blushing. Yeah I'm nice like that.

"I will be singing an acoustic version of Demons by Imagine Dragons." She replied confidently.

It would've made me lose balance if I was standing. It really shocked me but she obviously is confident about her singing. Which I am glad that I, well Rosie, helped her with.

"OMG I love that song!! Sing it for us!!" I squealed. 

I love that song so much. Everyone can relate to it in some way and she was going to sing it. Even better he was going to do it acoustically! She better not stuff it up or ruin the song for me. Hell what am I kidding I know she is going to kill that song and I mean that in the good way and not the bad. I mean it's Ashley, enough said.

She put the microphone on the stand and started strumming her guitar before she actually started singing.

*Demons-Imagine Dragons*
When the days are cold

And the cards all fold
And the saints we see
Are all made of gold

When your dreams all fail
And the ones we hail
Are the worst of all
And the blood's run stale

I wanna hide the truth
I wanna shelter you
But with the beast inside
There's nowhere we can hide

No matter what we breed
We still are made of greed
This is my kingdom come
This is my kingdom come

When you feel my heat
Look into my eyes
It's where my demons hide
It's where my demons hide
Don't get too close
It's dark inside
It's where my demons hide
It's where my demons hide

Your eyes, they shine so bright

I wanna save that light
I can't escape this now
Unless you show me how

When you feel my heat
Look into my eyes
It's where my demons hide
It's where my demons hide
Don't get too close
It's dark inside
It's where my demons hide
It's where my demons hide

WOW. JUST WOW! Her voice is amazing! It's so unique and perfect. Flawless. Why was she even worried in the first place. When she ended and stopped singing I was instantly on my feet clapping as hard as I could. Everyone else was too. She really deserved it. But I also noticed that when she sang I could feel pain behind it all. I really want to know about it. I made a mental note to ask her later.

Hopefully she gets far and everyone else in the public like her just as much as what I did. She smiled really big at everyone. She should be really happy, I know she will definitely get through to bootcamp.

When everyone was settled we continued with our role as judges which is telling her what we thought and voting.

"Wow. Just wow. I've never heard a voice so unique. I really loved it and I can see you going far in this competition." Ronan said in his Irish accent. 

"Thank you" She said politely and nervously.

She was back to being nervous but she wasn't stuttering anymore.

Girl you have some crazy talent! No one else has a voice like yours. It was great! Redfoo said while banging his hands to emphasis a few of his points. It made her laugh at how enthusiastic he is. It actually made me laugh a lot too. He was always crazy.


"That is the best voice I have heard all day! I would hate to be the person after you." Natalie said with a much softer voice. Her voice was always really soft and she barely ever yelled.

"WOW! I loved that song before but now I love it even more, I didn't even think that was possible. Your voice is so unique and I loved the acoustic version you did. It was amazing. I really want to mentor you and help you get far. It is possible just believe in yourself." I told her.

Everything I said was true. I can still hear her singing in my head. She rocked that song. I would buy that version if it ever got released. Her voice is just so unique I've never heard anything before like that. I know that with everyone else now I would compare them to Ashley. But that isn't fair. Damn it why couldn't Ashley be last. Other than that it was FANTASTIC!!!

"Thanks, it means a lot coming from you." I may or may not have blushed slightly when she said that but it was so kind and sweet. I never had that reaction when someone has told me that before. Why now?

I watched her smile grow and grow. She was smiling so wide I thought she was going to explode! 

"That's okay! Now lets vote! Ronan." I said and watched her smile fall into a nervous one.

"Yes." Ronan said.


"A million times yes!! Redfoo?" Natalie said. With each yes she got I could see that it just made her even more happy. You could see it in her eyes. Which by the way are the most beautiful blue I have ever seen.

"Definitely a yes from me! Demi?" Redfoo said while yet again banging his hands on the table.

"YES, YES, YES!!! YOU HAVE FOUR YESES! CONGRATULATIONS ASH!" I said super excitedly. I mean who wouldn't be excited to tell her she got 4 yeses after.that performance!

"OMG!! Thank you all so much!!" She said while crying. Awww she was crying, but at least it was tears of joy! I really don't know what she was worrying about. She was awesome!

She walk/ran off stage while crying.

"Well guys I think that it's time for another break. What do you guys think?" Ronan asked us.

We didn't even have to reply. We knew he wasn't actually asking us but was more telling us so we all got up and walked into the greenroom. I was in there for a bit and started to get bored. Yeah I know I seem bored all the time right? I really am not just it's been a long day and I wanted to get home and sleep. It was hard focusing.

I decided that I needed some fresh air so I went outside. I got outside and noticed that it was really nice outside. I liked being outside with the fresh air blowing against my face. The wind, the birds, the trees, the sky, the sun everything about I just love!

I was out there for a little while and turned my head to see 2 figures. I looked closer and saw that it was Ashley and I couldn't make out the other figure. But then I see something shocking happen. I can't believe it...

Chapter 7 done! :) 
I'll be in a car for about 6 hours tomorrow so heaps of time to write and maybe another update when I get home!
Also I'm trying to write a lot before school comes back because then I'll be limited to when I can write which sucks. :(

I hope you liked the chapter! :)


Thanks for reading! 
Stay Cool =P

One Story, One Message, One Audtition ➵ Demi LovatoWhere stories live. Discover now