Chapter 15

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~Demi's P.O.V.~

I thought I could hear someone or something in my room so I slowly woke up. I wouldn't be the best if someone was actually in here to kill me or something. I opened my eyes slightly and saw Ashley. I thought I saw her quickly get off my laptop or something but maybe it was just my eyes. I was still waking up.

"Hey baby." She quietly whispered to me.

I did look at her with surprise on my face. I was wondering why she was here.

"Hey what are you doing here? Not that I'm not happy to see you or anything." I said to her as I kissed her.

I pulled back when I noticed that she didn't kiss back or say anything. Something was obviously wrong and I wanted to know what it was. What was wrong with my baby?

"Hey what's wrong?" I said while sitting up more and putting my hands on her shoulders but she just shook them off.

"Your..your Rosie..." She said.

Wait...what? Did she just ask if I was Rosie? Was I hearing wrong? I could have been. I hoped I was.

"Wait...what?" I asked her.

I was seeing if what I heard was right or not.

"You know what I'm talking about! You're Rosie, right?!" She asked with a bit of a raised voice. I definitely heard right the first time.

I was sitting up against the bed head watching Ashley sitting on the edge far away from me. I was pretty confused. You could understand why. She turns up here without me knowing, surprise number one and she asks me about this, especially when I've just woken up, surprise number two.

 "H-how did you find out?" I asked in a softer voice than what she had been speaking in.

"Maybe you shouldn't keep your laptop open next time." She retorted back at me.

She was on my laptop!! I knew it wasn't just my eyes playing tricks on me. Ugh hasn't she ever heard about privacy?

"You looked on my computer?! Haven't you ever heard of privacy?! Oh and it's not like I expected you to be here." I said with my voice raising with every word and sounding pretty angry.

I didn't mean to sound angry or raise my voice too much. I just couldn't help it.

"That's no excuse fOR NOT TELLING ME!!" Ash practically yelled at me by the end of what she was saying.

I got off the bed and started pacing around the room to try and calm back down. It was working a bit. I saw Ashley get up and just stood there in front of me. She looked like she was also trying to calm herself down.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked me in a sort of softer tone than before.

"I-I uhh...umm..." I stuttered and couldn't get a sentence out properly.

I knew exactly why I didn't tell her. But I just don't know why I couldn't tell her the reason. It wasn't bad. I just didn't want to lose her.

"Do you not trust me?" She asked fully vulnerable.

My heart broke when I heard that. Of course I trusted her! I just didn't want to lose her. Why am I so afraid to tell her that.

"What? No. I trust you, very much, babe." I told her rushing closer to her. I put her hands on my arms near my shoulders.

"No don't touch me or call me that." She said shaking my hands off her arms, I was really hurt and I'm sure my face showed it.

"It's obvious you doN'T TRUST ME OR YOU WOULD'VE TOLD ME!!" Ashley said raising her voice to yelling at me.

I was getting really worked up by this and really irritated. I knew I was going to say something that I was going to regret. But I just couldn't control myself.


I could tell it made her angry but I didn't care I was too worked up. She didn't say anything but jut turned and walked away. Did she even think at all? Walking away at a time like this is definitely not the best thing to do!


Those words jut fell from my lips. I instantly regretted it. Why would I be so stupid to say that to her. I knew I had hurt her badly, hell if she said that to me I would be hurt so bad. That's how I knew I had hurt her. She kept walking away. Tears were streaming out my eyes. I knew she heard me calling out to her but she just ignored it. I don't blame her. I finally caught up to her just as she was about to walk out the door and grabbed her arm and turned her around to look at me.

She also had tears streaming down her face and she looked so hurt. She pulled her arm out of my grip and took a slight step away from me.

 "Oh and if you didn't know by now, we're over." She said bitterly showing no emotion on her face.

She turned around and walked out the door. I kept on calling out to her, saying how sorry I was but she just kept on walking. I knew it was no use to go after her, it would just make things worse. My heart was broken. I turned around and went back inside. I closed the door and sunk down to the ground breaking down in tears. I can't believe what had happened. I was so stupid. Why would I say that? I didn't mean any of it.

It took a long time to calm myself down. I screwed up big time. I slowly started getting back up again and walking up the stairs to my room. Getting up the stairs was the hardest. I got halfway and just sat there breaking down once again. I heard my phone going off and I felt it vibrate. That was weird. I looked around for it and then realised that it was in my pocket. Must've fallen asleep with it.

I got it out of my pocket and answered it.

"Hello..." I answered my voice shaking a bit from crying.

"Hey Dems!" It was Marissa.

I really needed her right now but she was in Texas. Maybe she could get a plane over here for me.

"Hey Rissa..." I said softly sniffling a bit trying to control myself from breaking down.

"Omg Dems, are you okay?!" Marissa asked concerned.

I didn't really feel like telling her over the phone.

"Are you a-able to get here. I-I don't w-want to tell y-you over the p-p-phone." I finally managed to get out.

"Sure thing Dems, stay strong." Marissa said and with that she hung up.

I continued back up the stairs, heading straight to my room. Once I got there I collapsed on my bed crying, again. Surely I'd have run out of tears by now. Apparently not. I just laid there thinking about the mentoring session I have with Ashley tomorrow. I won't sabotage her or anything. It'll just be really awkward but we'll have to act like it isn't. That's going to be fun...

Quick update! haha
I'm thinking of continuing the story like this. One P.O.V. one chapter and the other the next? What do you think? It'll get you quicker updates but the chapters won't be as long.
Unless you want longer chapters than i'll do it the other way I've been doing it. Your choice!

You got Demi's P.O.V. now! :)
I've got a few things planned for chapters in the future, just gotta think of things to do inbetween.

Hope you guys like it! :)

Thanks for reading!
Stay Cool! =P

One Story, One Message, One Audtition ➵ Demi LovatoWhere stories live. Discover now