Chapter 14

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~Ashley's P.O.V.~

"Wait...what?" Demi asked me

Is she trying to play dumb here or what?

"You know what I'm talking about! You're Rosie, right?!" I asked with a bit of a raised voice.

Demi was sitting up against her bed head, while I was sitting on the edge away from her.. She looked pretty confused. She probably didn't expect me to be here in the first place, let alone just ask her this.

"H-how did you find out?" She asked in a much softer voice than what I had been doing.

"Maybe you shouldn't keep your laptop open next time." I retorted back to her.

"You looked on my computer?! Haven't you ever heard of privacy?! Oh and it's not like I expected you to be here." Demi said her voice sounding angry and raising with every word.

"That's no excuse fOR NOT TELLING ME!!" I practically yelled at her by the end.

Demi got off the bed and started pacing around the room. I also got up and just stood in front of her trying to calm down.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked in a bit of a softer tone.

"I-I uhh...umm..." Demi stuttered and couldn't get a sentence out properly.

"Do you not trust me?" I asked fully vulnerable.

"What? No. I trust you, very much, babe." Demi told me rushing closer to me. She put her hands on my arms near my shoulders.

"No don't touch me or call me that." I said shaking her hands off my arms, she looked really hurt.

"It's obvious you doN'T TRUST ME OR YOU WOULD'VE TOLD ME!!" I said raising my voice to yelling at her.


That made me really angry but I didn't say anything. I turned to walk away. I knew that walking away wouldn't be the best but I had to before I said something that I would regret.


That hurt. It hurt so much. I can't believe she would have said that. Tears started streaming out my eyes. I couldn't even look at her. I just kept walking and walking til I was out the door and just gone as far away from here as possible. I heard Demi keep calling out for me but I just ignored her. She hurt me so much.  She grabbed my arm as soon as I was about to walk out the door. She spun me around to look at her.

She had tears streaming down her face also. It looked like she regretted it but it was said and I couldn't get it out of me head. I pulled my arm out of her grip.

"Oh and if you didn't know by now, we're over." I said bitterly showing no emotion on my face.

I turned around and walked out the door. She was still calling out and saying how sorry she was. I just kept on walking. I didn't want to catch the bus and have people stare and wonder why I'm crying. I don't think I'll be able to stop. I've broken up with Demi and now I just feel even more miserable than ever before. But I couldn't stay. Not after that comment.

She even said it herself. She thought that us ever being together was a mistake. People were still staring at me but fortunately no one stopped me to ask. I didn't realise how far I had walked until I got to the door of the mansion. I just want to get to my room and lie in my bed and just cry and sleep. I don't want to talk to anyone or do anything. But that wasn't going so well. As soon as I walked through the kitchen Ciara was there and stopped me.  That's one person I didn't want to see. I kept my head down and tried my best for her not to notice me crying.

"Hey Ash!" Ciara said in a cheery voice and came over to hug me.

I hugged back but as soon as I was in her embrace I broke down again. My legs began to give up on me a bit so she held me tight and helped me to sit on the floor.

"Hey, hey. Shhh calm down. What's wrong sweetie?" Ciara asked me softly.

Even though I was in this state I knew she was still flirting with me. But being in her embrace felt safe and warm but wasn't anything like Demi's. I slowly calmed down a bit and got my breathing back together properly.

"I-i-I broke u-u-up wi-ith my g-g-girlf-friend. I-I don't really w-want to t-t-talk about it." I said still slightly sobbing and stuttering.

She didn't look to shocked she actually looked a bit relieved. I shook it off, at least for now. I just wanted her to leave me alone so I could continue with my plan of hiding away in my room for Alisa and Katelynn to find me. I wanted their comfort not Ciara's. Don't get me wrong Ciara is a great person but she can be a bit too forward and she makes me feel uncomfortable when she's around me.

Only because I know she's going to try something, yesterday before the results was passed the line I had set between comfortable and uncomfortable. During the week I had noticed slight hints at her flirting but I didn't think it would get like that. But I'm not responding to her flirts, I don't want to lead her on.

"Awww...I feel sorry for you. Come on, let's get you to your room." She said and started helping me up.

She led me to the room I shared with Alisa and Katelynn. The stairs was the hardest to get up and I really couldn't get enough energy or cared enough to move my body. I felt Ciara pick me up and I was grateful. She carried me all the ways up the stairs and into my room. She softly laid me down on my bed and sat on the edge. 

I wante to be left alone to freely be left asleep, but at the same time I didn't want to be alone. I wanted someone to be there with me but not Ciara. She just will always try something on my like before and sometimes she just doesn't come off as genuine. But i'm not going to go tell her that, I don't want to make enemies already on here.

I actually want to enjoy it and I am with everyone. I groaned inwardly as i remembered that tomorrow I have a mentoring session with Demi. Ugh, how is that going to go down? What song would she pick for me? Surely she wouldn't purposely pick a song that would be horrible and make me sound really bad. She couldn't do that, right? I wish she doesn't but I'm just afraid that she would.

All this overthinking was making me exhausted and I just wanted to sleep. I was still slightly crying and worrying but I had to stop it. I felt Ciara softly stroke my hair and hum which made me feel even drowsier and calmed me down a heap. I was fighting my eyes trying to stay awake but I knew I wouldn't win that fight. It probably wasn't even midday but getting up at 5:30am and having a fight with your now ex girlfriend definitely has a toll on your body, physically and emotionally.

I was grateful that someone was here helping me calm down and just looking after me when I'm like this, i'll have to pay her back for this. Just as I was about to fall asleep I felt someone kiss my forehead and their lips lingered there for a bit, and I knew that, that someone was Ciara. I couldn't really care with what happened right now. I was too tired.

"Sleep tight, princess." I heard Ciara whisper as she left my room and I finally fell asleep.

Chapter 14 done!! YAY!!
Oh I just want to say please go read my new story, it's called The President's Daughter. please check it out!!
Anyway....who wants Demi' side of it!?!!! 
Next chapter will be her side!! :)
Sorry its short I figured that If I have shorter chapters than more updates i dont know but I just didn't want both P.O.V.'s in the same chapter!! :)
It won't be much different, the fight but after it will be haha :P

Hope you liked it!! :)

Thanks for reading!
Stay Cool! =P

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