Chapter 19

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~Time skip to August 13th 2014~
~Ashley's P.O.V.~

So it's a week til Demi's birthday!! I have to do something for her. We have been so great nothing else has happened between us. We have been so happy nothing could change it. I have been trying to plan something for about a month now for her birthday. I can't come up with the right thing. It has to be perfect just like her. Oh and I'm still in the competition. That's something I'm really shocked about. I didn't think that I was that good.

The only thing is that Ciara's group is still in the competition too and her flirting with me has kept on going. Even after I told her I was back with my girlfriend. Oh that girl doesn't have her head on properly. What a shame, I never liked her anyway and probably never will. Demi's the one for me. We try and spend as much time as we can outside of X Factor. We have seen each other heaps outside of it but it has been hard with her schedules as well. But she's worth it and we can make it work. I'm sure of it.

I've become friends with Marissa. Marissa has stayed with Demi since the day she got here. A few times I've caught her staring at me or always interrupt Demi and mine's time to spend time with us. I mean spending time with us is okay. I got no problem with that. It's just starting to get a little bit annoying. I wish she wouldn't do it as much but I think she might feel something towards me. Wow how cocky did I just sound. I didn't mean it like that I swear. Marissa's a good egg and I know she will help me with planning something for Demi.

I had my mentoring session earlier and it went really great! I work so well with Demi I'm so glad to have her as my mentor and my beautiful, breath taking, perfect girlfriend. I'm really excited for this weekend! Fifth Harmony are coming to perform on the live shows and we are having a massive party! I'm so excited to meet Fifth Harmony! I haven't been any less than happy and excited since I found out, I'm so hyper and I think I'm maybe starting to get on peoples nerves but who cares, I'm happy!!!

On another note...I haven't been able to talk much with my friends from school. I've mainly spoken to Romeo. It wasn't long since he had to go somewhere but I really miss hanging out with them. I wish I could have more time with them. Also I get to see my little brother Josh today!!! I'm so appy to see him again. I miss having to wake him up for school in the morning. Tayler hasn't spoken much to me, the only time she did throughout this was to have a go at me for her favourite contest getting kicked off instead of me. I'm her sister and she wanted me to get kicked off...I don't even understand how she's my sister...Olyviah has been the better sister by far. She always calls me to tell me how good I'm going.

I couldn't have asked for a better younger brother and sister. My mum is still as supportive as always, I call her every night to tell her how everything is going and I'm keeping up my grades so she's happy. Although for my dad...I haven't heard from him at all...I'm really worried about him. Normally I would've heard from him by now....

I was taken out of my thoughts as I just realised I had turned up back at the mansion. I walked up to the room I share with Alisa and Katelynn. I think I heard Ciara call out to me but I just ignored her...I didn't want to talk much with her anymore...I can't trust her to not do anything.

"Hey Alisa!" I said as I jumped on top of her.

She didn't say anything just motioned for me to keep quiet. I then noticed that she was on the phone. Me being my nosy self, wanted to know what was going on. I pressed my ear to the other side of the phone to hear what was going on.

"Lisa who was that?" The voice on the other side said.

"Oh that's just Ash. She's a friend from X Factor." Alisa said back.

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