Chapter 4

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~Demi's P.O.V.~

@ddlovatic: my names...Rosie! Yes it's Rosie! 

I was going to tell here but I don't know I for some reason decided against it. I have no clue why but I tried to be as convincing as I could. 

@DayumDemi: Are you sure? You don't sound very sure...

@ddlovatic: Yes I'm very sure...who wouldn't be sure of their name?

@DayumDemi: Someone who is lying about their name. But if that really is your name it's a nice name. I like the name Rosie.

Damn, she's smart. I'm actually kinda worried that she was going to catch me out. But she didn't but maybe she did. I don't know she didn't seem very convinced. I would't be surprised I didn't even convince myself.

@ddlovatic: I'm glad you like my name. I like yours too! Soooo back to this super hot guy called Brad. Tell me bout him.

I changed the subject just to get off my name.

@DayumDemi: Well....Brad has the bluest eyes I've EVER seen! Like omg they are soooo blue! He has brown hair and he has this smile/smirk which at times I bet would be kinda cute but when he did that smile/smirk to me earlier it made him more hot, if that was even possible, and kind of sexy as well!! OMG WHAT IT HAPPENING TO ME!! Ugh guys..

@ddlovatic: Well he seems nice but I bet you he's a stud. Most guys mostly are like that. SO all I'm going to say is be careful other than that he seems, by what you described, hot. How did you not notice him at your school before? 

I jokingly said. We talked for a little bit more until I looked at the time and it was pretty late so I have to go to bed. Ugh how much I hate early starts!

@ddlovatic: Well I school tomorrow so I have to go to bed now. Talk tomorrow yeah? Later Ash!

@DayumDemi: Ugh yeah Stupid school. Anyway bye. Talk tomorrow!

~Ashley's P.O.V.~
<The Next Day>

BEEP BEEP BEEP! Ugh stupid school. Having to wake up early. I reached for my alarm and did what I always do in the morning. I swear I must look like a zombie. It's always the same routine: Wake up, get dressed, do hair, eat breakfast, go to school.

I finish doing everything and go down stairs to wait for it to be time to go to school.

"Come on lets go. We have to pick Jordan up first." Tayler told me.

Jordan's her boyfriend. She seems pretty interested in him but I don't like him. He's just another high school jock who breaks girl's hearts. I just know he is! I really don't want to see Tayler get hurt by him, but she never listens to me about him.

"But..." I was watching a pretty interesting show. Alright it was only a childrens show, like what show is interesting in the morning? But  had actually gotten into this show. I always forget what it's called but I know the theme song and all the names of the characters.

"You can walk then." Tayler said as she walked out the door to her car.

"No...WAIT!!" I shouted to Tayler as I grabbed my bag and ran out the door.

I got into the car and sat in the back. What was the point in siting in the passengers seat to only be kicked back out for Jordan. Tayler was getting frustrated, she wanted to get to Jordan's house quickly. But when you are in a hurry you get all the red lights, and I mean all the red lights.

One Story, One Message, One Audtition ➵ Demi LovatoWhere stories live. Discover now