Chapter 16

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"Naurto I am going to enter your mind now, try not to resist." Inoichi warned before performing hand signs, meanwhile Naruto tried to relax completely, Inoichi had explained to him that if he  resists both of them are going to face backlash.

Inoichi entered Naurto's mindscape, it was like a sewer, everything was dark, the water was covering his foot, Inoichi moved a step forward when he heard a deep voice,"Don't come closer. This is not where you will find solution, turn around and walk forward."

The cold voice sent chills down his spin together with the red eyes that flickered in the dark, Inoichi knew instinctively that walking another step was dangerous, it would lead to the nine tailed fox and his death, so he did as he was told and turned around and started walking forward.

He continued walking until the surroundings changed and the water changed to blood, Inoichi's eyes widened in horror as he looked at the scene that unfolded infront of him, Madara was killing shinobis while Naruto was trying to save them, however each and every time he was a second late. Naruto fell to his knees, tears flowing down, he lifted his hands to wipe his tears but ended up getting blood on his face. 

Inoichi recalled what Naruto had said earlier 'There is blood everywhere, on the ground, on my clothes, on my hands, on my face. There are cries everywhere. Some people are yelling, there are blast going on, people are dying, I walk towards them..'  Inoichi looked around and every word naruto said repeated in his mind. He now understood that What Naruto was going through was not just a simple nightmare, it was way beyond worse. 

Inoichi felt his hand shaking, before he could collect himself the scene changed once again and now he was in another war field, Naruto was standing in middle, then suddenly black hands appeared around his neck and limbs, choking and strangling him, Naruto struggled  but wasn't able to free himself, Inoichi was shocked when he saw that and when he heard different voices that were saying 'Why didn't you save me?'

More and more black hands appeared around Naruto dragging him somewhere, Inoichi felt like he was the one being choked, tears started to flow fro his eyes.

Inoichi immediately undid the jutsu and he was back in his body, he was trembling a bit, he wondered how Naruto was able to handle these himself,  after a few seconds Naruto too regained himself, his eyes laid on Inoichi who was staring at him,"Inoichi  san?"

Inoichi snapped out of his thoughts and focused on Naruto who was acting perfectly fine, however Inoichi now knew Naruto was not fine at all, he cleared his throat and asked,"Naruto are you really fine? I saw....I saw what you see in those nightmares and I am sure that was not all of it. So are you really fine?"

Naruto was surprised, he smiled weakly as if trying to control himself from breaking down into crying,"I-I...I am not." Hearing this Inoichi smiled softly, he was glad that Naruto was being honest right now,"Naruto hear me out. I know this will take time but I am sure you will be fine. You should come visit me twice a week and we will talk, what you are suffering from is because  of the war and everything is just stressing you out and you need to relieve it and I will help you. So will you come?"

Naruto looked deep into Inoichi's warm eyes,"I will. Thankyou Inoichi san."

Inoichi nodded. A few seconds of comfortable silence followed after, Naruto hesitated for a bit before asking,"Um...Inoichi san? Why only shikamaru is able to keep my nightmares away?"

Inoichi smiled warmly as he got up from his chair,"Maybe because he was the first one to provide you comfort. The first one to give you warmth. And there is something else too."

Naruto tilted his head to side,"Something else?"

Inoichi chuckled,"It's better you find out yourself."
Author's Note:

Guys I need help! So a while ago i read a Kakanaru (maybe) fanfiction, I don't remember the name, I only remember a scene, can you guys tell what is the name of the fanfiction? In that scene orochimaru kills jiji and Naruto was being blamed for it, he is sent to T&I and was torutured and rap*d, he couldn't tell it was Oorochimaru because Kabuto did something to him, then Inoichi does his jutsu  and founds that Naruto is not criminal, in between gaara also comes to help him when he was left after being tortured.

Please if you know this Fanfiction comment the name, I am in desperate need to find out what is the name of the fanfiction. Please HELP ME! I couldn't even sleep at night because I wanted to know the name.

Anyway how was the chapter? What do you think this something else is?

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