A dream//Bellatrix

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A dream. That's what all of this is, a dream. The manor is a dream, the love of my life was a dream, none of it's real, but yet it feels like home. Standing here, in the hallways of the manor I have called home for far too long, I realize just how much I'm going to miss this once I wake up. Wake up from this opposing reality, the reality I have for so long, longed for. Arms wrap around me and the warmth of one's body is pressed into my back, their lips attaching to my neck.

"My love?" She whispers softly.

I allow tears to fall from my eyes as I press myself back into her. "I love you, Bella." I whisper, letting the words fall past my lips as I close my eyes, hoping that for some reason, this is not a dream, and I'd never have to go back to the awful place I know as my reality. The place where everything is a game, everything is a struggle for money and power, the place where I no longer feel in any way attached to.

Upon not hearing a response, I turn around and look at the woman behind me.

She's smiling wider than I've ever seen her smile, and it just seems the perfect moment, the moonlight shining through the windows, illuminating the hallway of the manor, and highlighting all of Bella's features. "I love you too, pet, more than you'll ever know."
I smile and lean up, attaching our lips as everything disappears into black smoke. I close my eyes and force myself to keep them closed, not wanting to see what actually exists, just wanting to stay in this moment, forever. Finally, Bella disappears as well, the feeling of her lips no longer there. I lay there for a few moments before opening my eyes and looking up at the ceiling of my plain old room. It was all a dream. 

My comfort//Helena Bonham Carter characters and Y/n one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now