Love letters//Bellatrix

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Ok. So. This is my formal apology for the 'toxic' one shot (Two shot? Idk man-) and the 100 days one shot. I'm kinda dying of a sensory issue over here, so the writing mayyy not be great. I apologize in advance.

Bro I have written two chapters (almost three) for staring, four one shots, and a chapter for Bellatrix's Flower in the past day. Motivation is doing great.

Bellatrix is 35

Y/n is 34

Bellatrix was put into Azkaban at 19 and taken out when she was 34

Bellatrix and Y/n have been friends since they were 11 and Y/n has been leaving Bellatrix love letters ever since fifth year, up to before, and after, Bellatrix went to Azkaban.

-Y/n's perspective-

"She did it again!" Bellatrix exclaims as she walks into my room, waving an envelope.

"Pardon?" I question, although I know fully well what the woman is referring to.

She plops down on the bed. "That woman. The one that has been writing me letters since fifth year."

"Ohhh, yeah I remember that." I smile.

"She wrote me another letter!"

"You sound excited."

"How could I not be?! I'm just so confused as to how she still likes me after Azkaban. Also, how on earth does she know I live with my sister?"
I laugh softly. "She probably wrote you letters while you were in Azkaban as well."
"You really think so?"
I nod. "Most likely. Someone with that much of a crush wouldn't be able to stop writing letters."
"Fair. But how does she know where I live?"
I raise an eyebrow. "Where else would you live?"
"I dunno, my husband's manor?"
I pause for a moment before bursting out laughing, watching as the woman in front of me frowns deeply in confusion.
"What?" She questions.

"Bellatrix, you hate your husband!"
"Well yeah, but how would anyone know that?!"
I just laugh harder. "Do you-do you even remember your wedding night?" I manage out. "You tried to run away! Eleven times! Anyone in their right mind would know you are definitely not staying with your husband. Plus, even if you were, Narcissa would probably give it to you."

"Ok fair, but I still find it kind of odd. I just wish she'd tell me who she issss." Bella groans and falls back, her head landing in my lap as she pouts up at me.

I smile softly at her. "I suppose she's getting used to having you back? Perhaps she'll tell you later."

Or maybe she's just terrified of rejection because you only like her as a friend.

I shake the thought away.

My hands put down the book I was reading and tangle themselves in her hair, softly massaging her scalp.

Her eyes flutter closed as she relaxes into me, and I swallow the lump in my throat. "You know...I used to think you wrote these." She mumbles, causing me to pause.

She nods, and I continue massaging her head.

"How come?"
"I dunno. I'd catch you staring at me in class sometimes."

"You did?"
"Mhm. Why did you do that?"
"What? I can't admire my best friend?"
She laughs. "You can, but you looked at me so...differently."
"I look at you when I space out, that must've been it." Please believe that.

My comfort//Helena Bonham Carter characters and Y/n one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now