Accidental kill//Bellatrix

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I remember it all to well

I remember watching the life drain out of her eyes

I remember feeling completely and utterly alone at that moment
I remember the feeling of not being able to move,

Not being able to scream

I remember listening as she choked out her last words while she glared at me

While she looked at me like I was the worst thing that's ever happened to her

The thing is,

I just may have been

For I was the one who killed her

I didn't mean for it to end that way

I didn't mean to end up sobbing next to her corpse

I didn't mean to stab her

I didn't mean to lose control of my thoughts and emotions

If only the knife wasn't in my hand

If only we didn't have that argument

If only her last words weren't "I hate you, Bellatrix."

My comfort//Helena Bonham Carter characters and Y/n one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now