Walk pt. 2 (SMUT)//Madame Thenardier

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Part twooooo

Request by: 

K so we're making her name Antoinette because I need a name besides just "she...her...she...she...she...."

Yeah feel free to imagine her names different, I just need a name and Anne was common in the early 1900s

Also, once again, I refuse to write a pathetic y/n, sooooo, we're making her bratty <3

Prompt: Madame Thenardier smut

I apologize in advance, I really can't write smut, it's horrible.

If you just want to be horny and not break the mood, I suggest NOT reading the bold parts because I make a lot of horrible jokes

-Y/n's perspective-

It's been a little over a month since Madame Thenardier had walked me home, and we started doing that every day, her always accompanying me to my house and I wave her goodbye after I've been dropped off, and it's become quite fun. Every day the two of us grow closer, and more flirty towards each other. I'm not sure about her, but my crush on her, that has been there from the moment I laid eyes on her, has grown larger and I long for the day I can tell her exactly how I feel. Currently, we're walking to my house again, Madame Thernadier beginning the usual conversation.
"You know...You've been more quiet lately."
"Have I?"
She nods. "For a week or so."

"Huh, I haven't noticed. I apologize."
"Is there a reason for it?"


"No. Not that I know of, anyways."
"Mmm. If there is something, know you can always come to me." (Cum to you I shall)

A small smile breaks past my lips, and I nod in acknowledgment as well as mumbling a small 'thank you.'

"See, that's what I mean. Normally you look at me and return the favor or something."

"I assumed it was known that I return the favor whenever needed?" I question, knowing the reason I didn't respond was the overwhelming feeling of happiness I receive from knowing that I'm the one person she'd allow to rant to her.

"I'm very well aware of that fact."
"So? Is there a problem?" I question, a hint of attitude being conveyed.

The woman stares at me, raising an eyebrow and speaking in a demanding tone. "Was that attitude?"

"Mmm, I think it was."

"Well, you thought wrong." I snap, knowing I simply want to get a rise out of her.
As if a switch flipped in her, she stops walking and grabs my face, harshly pulling me towards her, the cold rings on her fingers pressing against my face.

I swallow harshly, but not out of fear, out of the fact that her face is so close to mine and if I were to lean just slightly forward....

Contain yourself Y/n!

"Do not talk to me like that, little one."

Keep it together, keep it together, keep it together

"Or what? You'll punish me?" I mock, forcing me not to submit right in the middle of the street when she makes eye contact with me, glaring harshly.

"I'm sorry?"

My comfort//Helena Bonham Carter characters and Y/n one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now