Toxic pt. 2//Bellatrix

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I literally fucking hate third person. Like they're both females so I can't say "she looked at her, and she looked back" cause then you have no idea who's whoooo. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Anyways. Here's some more angst for you guys.

It's been a year since the two lovers had separated, and at first, y/n had taken it much worse than Bellatrix had. Bellatrix had ended up easily finding another lover, which was, oddly enough, the dark lord, however y/n was not even close to ready for a new relationship. When she had urges that needed to be taken care of, she would go to a club, but other than that, she's barely been around anyone. Even in death eater meetings, she'd sit at the farthest end of the table, always watching her ex-lover, but she never received a glance from the woman. Not a single one.

Bellatrix and the Dark Lord didn't have a great relationship, if we're being honest, as the dark lord, obviously, had no time for Bellatrix. In his eyes, Bellatrix was simply an asset, a toy, a fuck buddy, and in Bellatrix's eyes, he was her everything, but he never seemed to care. She would beg him to go on dates, only to be met with punishment.

This heavily rivaled what Y/n and Bellatrix were like. Y/n had always made time for Bellatrix, even when they were toxic. Y/n planned beautiful dates that would make the older woman sob in happiness, she would give gifts, make time for her lover no matter what, and she was always there to talk. Bellatrix had found herself often thinking about this, thinking about how messed up it was that she didn't give Y/n another chance, but she ignored it. She would dream about the dates and wake up in a sweat, only to be told by her new lover to go back to sleep. He didn't care, but y/n would have always held her and talked with her about what was wrong.

It took a year, but Bellatrix finally realized she was wrong, and she missed the feelings that came with y/n and her relationship.

She was going to tell Y/n, she truly was, but The Dark Lord sent her on a mission that lasted around 5 months, and what kept her going was the thought of seeing Y/n again and telling her how she missed her. Y/n was wrong in her thoughts, she thought Bellatrix never glanced at her during meetings, but that's not even close to true. The woman would always look over at her, watching as she held back tears, and as soon as she would look back towards Bellatrix, she would no longer be staring. Once those five months were over, and the mission was complete, Bellatrix went home, eagerly telling Narcissa her plan to tell Y/n her returned feelings.
However, instead of being excited for Bella like she normally would, Narcissa frowned. "Bella, y/n has a girlfriend now." She had said.

The entire world froze. That couldn't be, she thought. "Who?" She had asked, her voice clearly shaking.

"Her name is Zoya. Half-blood, a death eater, obsessed with Y/n. They're taking it slow because y/n still has lingering...trauma from your guys' relationship, and Zoya seems to understand that. They're really happy, Bella."

Tears were threatening to spill. "Trauma?"
"The toxic part. The way you disregarded everything she felt."
"I did not! I cared for her, I-I..." She trails off, looking at Narcissa hopefully. "You know us! You've watched our relationship! Tell her I cared for her! You didn't see me disregarding her feelings, did you?"
A sad expression that appears on Narcissa's face confirms everything Bellatrix had feared. "You did neglect her, Bellatrix. Quite a lot, if I'm being honest. You're right, I have watched you guys since childhood, and there's always been a factor of emotional abuse from you. You know she hated the idea of the death eaters, right? She joined for you, and now she's stuck here."

She did recall quite a few protests from Y/n for joining the death eaters, but Bellatrix had been so persistent about it, and Y/n was so deeply in love, she joined.

Narcissa was right.

-Time skip to the next death eater meeting-

Landing in the manor, Bellatrix looked around, Narcissa at her side.

"They sit over there." Cissa points to a spot on the other side of the table where Bellatrix sits, a few spots down. "Together."

"How long?"
"How long have they known each other?"

"Zoya had always liked Y/n, honestly, but when you two broke up, she caught y/n crying at one point after a death eater meeting, and she had comforted her. They've known each other for about a year and four months, and they've been dating for two months."

Suddenly, figures appeared in the room, silencing their conversation as they sat down, Bellatrix at Voldemort's right hand, and Narcissa next to her.

Sure enough, y/n did apparate in with another woman, and they were smiling at each other, versed in conversations, their arms around each other's waist. They release each other but hold hands, sitting down in the exact spot Narcissa had pointed to. The entirety of the meeting, y/n did not send a single glance towards Bellatrix, and it was starting to annoy the older witch as she hoped the meeting would end soon.

The meeting didn't end soon, however, it was quite long, but she waited and finally, everyone had left except y/n, Zoya, Narcissa, Lucius, and Bellatrix.
"Bella don't do this. She's not going to accept your apology." Narcissa begs, following Bella as she stomps over towards the couple.
"I don't care." She hisses. "Y/n."

The couple turns around, and Zoya tenses while y/n simply raises an eyebrow.

"Yes, Lestrange?"

Oh, that hurts. "I need to talk to you."
"Talk then."
"You've lost that privilege. So, talk or I'm leaving."
Inwardly groaning at the woman's stubbornness, Bellatrix takes a deep breath. "I'm sorry."

"I said ok. You seriously don't think I'm going to thank you, right? After you put me through hell and only now I'm getting an apology? Fuck no. You should be glad I'm giving you the time of day."

"Alright. But can we try again? Please?"

Y/n scoffs loudly, rolling her eyes. "CaN wE tRy AgAiN." She mocks. "Now why would I try again with someone who wouldn't even think to give me an apology sooner, someone who didn't give a damn when I tried to fix what we had. Why would I even try?"
"Because I love you."
"I did too. Move on, Lestrange, you're already with the Dark Lord, and you've got a husband as well."
"But they're not like you!"
"I told you that, but you didn't listen, now, did you?"

Tears threatening to spill once again. "I was wrong. Please."

"God you're pathetic. After a year and a half, you come whining back? If you wanted to fix it, you would've tried sooner. I hope the Dark Lord treats you as badly as you treated me for years. Goodbye Bellatrix." And with that, she grabs her new girlfriend's waist, and apparates them.
"I told you." Cissa spoke quietly from behind her. "I'm sorry Bella, but she's never going to forgive you."
"I know."

I know.


I love angst tbh, it's so fun to write. Also it hurts ppls feelings and that's very fun. 

Anyways I apologize for this chapter and the last one, have a nice day/night, I'm always here if you need to talk/rant to someone, or if you just need a friend <3


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