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Ok so a lot of people who read my writing are non-binary soooo, I'm making a gender neutral one shot <3

Prompt: "Reader has been focusing way too long on their work and Bellatrix demands attention and cuddles. But mostly attention."

Pleaasseee let me know if I accidentally write the incorrect pronoun so I can fix it <3

Request: @Rei_The_Xeno

-Bellatrix's Perspective-

Y/n is one of the most important death eaters to the Dark Lord (besides me of course), which means they have a lot of work.



While I go off on missions to murder and torture people, they stay and plan out everything, map out our plans, our strategies, the pros and cons of everything, etc. They truly are a huge help to the Dark Lord and his cause, but they tend to overdo it at work. Now, the Dark Lord obviously doesn't mind this, not at all, but I do.


Because I'm their girlfriend and the past few days they've been stuck in their stupid little corner, scribbling on papers at their stupid little desk, not paying ANY attention to me. I've been back from my past mission for a couple of days now, and the most attention I've gotten was when I demanded a kiss.

They don't even eat meals with me!

They come downstairs to grab a snack or something small to eat, and then they go back upstairs, continuing with their work.

I can't even remember the last time The Dark Lord gave them work!

This ends today.

When I burst into their room, I'm not even granted look, or even a glance, just a hum as they acknowledge my existence.
"Y/n Y/l/n!"


I walk over to them, spinning their spinny chair towards me, earning a gasp.
"Hey! I was writing!" They try to move back to see if they spilled any ink on their paper, but I hold the chair in place, facing me, away from the desk.

"I don't care! You have not gotten up from this stupid desk in days!"

"Anddd, that's not healthy!"
"Oh come on, I've gotten up to walk around the house and get snacks as well as breakfast, lunch, and dinner!"
"Yes, but you're still mostly in here. You barely move from this spot unless it's for food!"
"I don't see the problem here?"
I huff, mumbling a quiet response.
"Sorry, I don't speak childish." They mock, rolling their eyes.
I punch their shoulder lightly and they laugh.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. What is it you need, my love?"
"Good. Now what is it?"
"You have not given me a single bit of attention since I came back; I have received a total of one kiss, and that's it, and I had to beg you for that kiss! Look I love you, but you work too damn much! Give me attention!"
That makes them laugh and they stretch their arms out in a sort of welcoming way. "Come on, clingy."
"I am not clingy." I huff, sitting in their lap and resting my chin on their shoulder, face buried in their neck.

"Yes you are."
"Am not." I mumble against their neck.

"You're also very whiny."
"Oh fuck off. I wouldn't be if you paid more attention to me."
"I'm busyyyy." They retaliate in a whiny, joking tone.
"That's what you always say. Now give me attention."
"Am I not doing so?"
"Not enough."
"And what would be enough?"

"That's your problem to solve."

Laughing, they place a hand on my face, moving it away from their neck, and in front of them. A small kiss is placed on my lips and I pout as they end it so soon.

My comfort//Helena Bonham Carter characters and Y/n one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now