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Slowly, the love in her sweet eyes begin to change into something else, something more negative; Something like anger, like hate, all the while, her thumb continues to graze my cheek, but her fingertips begin to turn cold. She sighs softly, tilting her head down and smirking at me. "You really thought I'd still love you? After all this time?"
I furrow my eyebrows. "Bella?" I question, watching as her hand begins to trail to my neck, grasping it softly.

"I will admit, having you as a plaything was fun while it lasted, but that time is over. It's my time to rule."
"To rule? What are you talking about?"

Her lips part and laughter spills out menacingly, the laugh nothing like childhood, it's more chilled, more...terrifying. "Honey, the Dark Lord has risen, and he needs someone by his side, now that's either you or I, and you don't possibly think I'm giving you that gift, do you? It's my turn to rule. My turn to be feared. Not yours."

"I don't care about that Bella, you can rule for all I care, I just want to be by your side. You're my girlfriend after all."
Another laugh. "Girlfriend?! Oh darling, no. Not anymore."
Pausing, I stare up at the woman, examining her features, not a single hint of sanity in those eyes. "What happened to you?" I whisper, bringing my hand up to her face, resting it on her cheek.

Bella flinches at the contact, forcefully pulling her face away and tightening her hand around my throat, my back pressed against the wall behind me. "It's either you or I, and I choose me." There is only a slight moment before I feel a cold surface poking through my shirt, breaking the surface of my skin.

It doesn't take me long to understand what it is, and my eyes widen. "You wouldn't." I whisper.
"Oh, I would, and I have every intention of doing so."

I yearn for anger to take over my body, for something to order me to grab her dagger and throw her across the room. Push her away from me, keep me alive. Alas, the only thing that seethes through my body is regret and an ache in my heart. "So, our memories mean nothing to you?" My voice shakes as I begin speaking, tears threatening to pool in my eyes.
"Memories? What use are those? I enjoyed our time together, but I was a foolish and stupid child. I don't need you here to remember that, and I need none of those memories. I don't care for what we went through, not as much as you do, anyways. Through my time in Azkaban, I've come to the realization that I don't need those memories. I don't need you. I'd actually prefer to not have you around me at all."

A lump grows in my throat, and I force myself to speak. "I trusted you."

She grins mischievously. "Isn't it funny how trust works? Such a stupid thing. No one should ever be trusted, especially not me. You should know this.

I should know this. She's right. 

Suddenly, the shock that filled my body shatters, and I finally allow myself to feel the pain. Not the physical pain of the knife slowly digging into my stomach, no, the pain of the fact that I truly do love the woman in front of me, no matter what she thinks of me. The pain of knowing that if it came to it, I'd fall head over heels for her all over again, I'd give her everything, every part of myself, all over again. I would go through the pain and joy of life with her, because no matter the ending, she truly did heal me in ways I didn't know were possible. I had told her everything, all my secrets, all my fantasies, everything, and she listened with excitement, taking in anything and everything about me. "I love you."

Bellatrix raises an eyebrow, staring at me, no emotion showing. The only thing she shows is the tilt of her lips, the smirk that grows wider and wider every moment. "Are those your final words?"

I chuckle dryly, gasping when her hand tightens around my throat, glaring harshly.
"That was not a joke. Answer before I end your pathetic little life."

I smile at her, allowing the tears that had been pushed back, to fall. To stream down my face in little, separate rivers. "Please don't let greed fill your mind. Love is far more important, and I know you know that deep down. Keep in mind who you are. Who you are without all that stupid trauma and without your stupid lord." I gasp as her knife twists in my stomach, her glare harshening when I call her lord stupid. "I love you Bellatrix Druella Black, always have, always will. I hope we work out in another life." And with that, I lean forward, attaching our lips for the final time.

For my final moments on this horrendous earth.

Bella tenses, but kisses back, nonetheless, giving me a few moments, before she fully pushes the knife into my stomach, and then pulls it out, pulling her body away from mine, releasing my neck, and allowing me to bleed out.

"Goodbye, my love." Those are her final words to me, and I smile in contempt, sitting down and closing my eyes, allowing death to take me over.

Goodbye Bella.

My comfort//Helena Bonham Carter characters and Y/n one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now