You're beautiful//Rose

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TW, huuuggeee tw. I made this in order to stop myself from self harming for the day so it may be a bit triggering. I'm quite proud of this chapter, but it's really triggering to some people, so please don't read it if you're not comfortable with this sort of stuff. 

It's basically Rose comforting y/n and helping her through a bad day. 

It was one of those days

That sort of day where it's nearly impossible to do even the simplest of tasks in life.

I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, trying to get myself to move, but every nerve in my body decides to shut down and leave me stranded there. I sigh softly, closing my eyes, trying to think about what I have to do today.

Shit, Rose

Rose and I have gotten quite close over the many heists the team has pulled off after the met gala heist. Rose and I always prepare the costumes since the both of us enjoy fashion. Well, I enjoy the designing part more than the sewing part since I'm quite clumsy and constantly prick my fingers with the sewing needles. Rose enjoys all parts of creating fashion, but she allows me to do the designing. I do the rough sketches, she adds some detail, we agree or disagree on it, she starts sewing, and I get started on the next design. It's quite fun most days, but days like this, not even Rose's smile could brighten up my day. The mere thought about being around her like this fills my body with dread. Seeing her eyes fill with pity, her gorgeous face spilling with tears. It would break me. Or perhaps she wouldn't care. Perhaps she doesn't enjoy my company just as much as I enjoy hers. Perhaps it's all a clever ruse. Perhaps she's simply using my artistic abilities and doesn't actually care for me. I don't know which would break me worse, seeing her feel pity towards me, or seeing her not care at all.

There's a knock at the door. A very soft knock that's quite hard to hear.

My room is only a few doors down the hallway from the front of the door, so even the quietest knocks, I can hear. The walls are quite thin as well, so that's another thing that contributes to the ability to hear people at the door.

The knock begins to grow louder until it gets quite furious. However, it's not in an angry sense, no, they're not trying to break the door open, whoever it is, is trying to make sure I'm here and that I can hear them. After a few seconds, the knocking stops and I have to listen closely in order to hear the door swinging open.

They broke in.

However, since it's one of those days, I don't quite care as much as I should. I just close my eyes and hope to hell that whoever it is, is coming to put me out of my misery.

However, my hopeful thoughts are broken once I hear the beautiful Irish accent that belongs to the one and only Rose Weil.

"Y/n? Love? I know you're here. Are you alright?"

My body tenses and I sink back into the bed, hoping to hell she'll accidentally walk past my room, not find me, and go away. I despise the thought of someone seeing me like this, especially Rose.

Unfortunately for me, Rose seems to know exactly where my room is. I hear her boots click against the floor as she walks up to my room, and only my room, no other rooms. "Y/n, darling?" She calls softly.

I don't answer.
"Y/n, you're worrying me. Please tell me if you're in there."

I open my mouth, attempting to speak, but nothing seems to come out. Instead, I simply lay there, still staring at the ceiling, feeling nothing but dread.

My comfort//Helena Bonham Carter characters and Y/n one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now