The Last Time//Bellatrix

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Prompt: One last dance.

Character: Bellatrix

Extremely short : (. {430 words}

The perspectives switch a lot because I find that each moment needs to be expressed a certain way, and from two different thought points.

-Bellatrix's POV-

She's going to forget me.

Any moment now, the love of my life will lose all memories in relation to me or us.

Any moment now, the love of my life will no longer be mine.

Any moment now I will lose everything.

But she doesn't know.

And she won't know,

She will never know.

So instead, we waltz around the ballroom as I watch her face light up in pure happiness, blissfully unaware.

I'm sorry my love.

-Y/n's POV-

We waltz around the ballroom, and everything is perfect.

The rain falls outside, raindrops hitting the windows in a way which only adds to the melody that plays within the safety of the room.

The party has ended, it's 2 am, Bella's mother accepts our relationship, I'm in the arms of the woman I adore, and the piano is magically enchanted to continue playing a melody the two of us are so fond of...

It's truly perfect.

I beam up at the woman, having such a wonderful time with her, and I am absolutely starstruck by her beauty.

"I love you."


"I love you." She says.

My heart squeezes and I hide my urge to cry by burying my face against y/n's neck, continuing our dance in that position.

The last time she will say those words to me.

"I love you so much more, my dearest."

The last time her heart flutters at my words.

The last time she smiles so openly around me.

The last time either of us will be truly happy together.

"Impossible." She giggles.

The last time I'll hear her beautiful laugh.

"Mhm, sure." I scoff, gaining my mask back, and I pull away from her neck, staring into her beautiful eyes.

Those eyes that show so much emotion and so much adoration for me.

The last time I may gaze into her eyes and be filled with the absolute longing to stay with her forever.

"Oh, don't be an ass, you know it's true."

"That you're stupidly stubborn? That I am aware of."

She gasps in mock offense, and my lips twitch into a truer smile. "Rude!"

"I know my dear." I press my lips against hers, slowing our dance quite a bit until we're simply swaying side to side.

The last time I will feel her relax against my body the way she does once our lips connect.

The last time I'll have her sweet lips against mine.

I can feel her body becoming more and more limp in my arms as the spell begins to take effect.

"I'm sorry, my love."

The last time I have my heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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