Run away with me//Red

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Prompt idea dedicated to 


I've been working at Red's as a bartender for about two months now, and it's honestly been the best two months of my life.

Well, the job is a bit annoying at times since this entire place is filled with horny men and women. The one reason I do like this job, and the only reason the past two months have been the best of my life, is because of Red herself. We don't talk often, but I consider her a friend. On occasion, she comes down to get a drink and talk to me, and when I leave, I always go upstairs to say goodbye to her.

Currently, it's time for me to go home, and dread is filling my body upon thinking about how my husband will react. I stayed overtime today because last night, he scared me quite a bit, and I don't feel safe going home, but since the place is working, and I was supposed to be done an hour ago, I have no choice but to go home.


"Mmm?" I hum, still spacing out.

"Are you alright?" Red's voice.

I snap out of my trance and look at her. "Yeah of course, why?"

"Because you've been cleaning that glass for about seven minutes and everyone else has left."

"Oh shit, really?" I look around to see that she's correct and there's not a single soul around besides her and I. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" I exclaim, nervously putting the towel on its hook and putting the glass back on the shelf. I go to grab my coat but Red grabs my hand from over the counter. I wince slightly since my wrist is slightly bruised because of my husband.

Red clearly notices this detail but holds off on addressing it. "I didn't ask you to leave, love, I simply asked if you're alright."

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Thank you." I give her a nervous smile that feels fake even to me.

"Well that's certainly not true. What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I should just be getting back to the house."

"To the house?" She questions, raising an eyebrow.


"Why do you say that?"

"Say what?"

"You say back to the house instead of back home."

"Oh-thats what I meant, I'm just a little tired."

"No, I know when you're tired, this is clearly something different." Her thumb begins rubbing circles on my wrist in a comforting way, and I can't help but look down at her hand holding my wrist. Luckily, there's some makeup on my wrist so the bruises don't appear to be there, but she may be able to feel them, and that thought terrifies me.

"With all due respect, ma'am-"



"Don't call me ma'am. I've known you long enough for you to call me Red."

I nod. "Well then, with all due respect, Red, you don't know me just that well. You don't know the way I look or act when I'm tired."

"Mmm, you're forgetting that one time where you were so tired and I urged you to go home but you said you weren't tired and you almost fell asleep when a drunk man began telling you a story."

My comfort//Helena Bonham Carter characters and Y/n one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now