Walk//Madame Thenardier

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Y'all I'm in the car for the next two days, please leave one shot requests, I have soooo much free time :')

Prompt: Basically Madame Thenardier fluff and later smut tbh. Let's pretend no kids exist bc I really don't feel like writing them LMFAO. I refuse to write a stuttering y/n soooo, we're getting a somewhat confident, bold one.

(Bro her name is so hard to remember how to spell I can't even-)

Also does she not have a first name? Like I've looked everywhere and can't find her first name :')


-Y/n's perspective-

Working by the side of Madame Thenardier and her husband has quite a few pros and cons, the cons being, almost caught in the act of stealing multiple times, angry customers, random fucking in the rooms upstairs so loud I can't concentrate well, annoying men trying to look up my skirt, etc. The pros are much less than the cons, but hey, I have a job, stealing makes good money, and because of Madame Thenardier herself. That woman is insanely rude to everyone, but there are small occasions where she allows me to see her soft side, as well as her flirty side, and both make me equally happy. Over the time I've worked here, I've begun to grow attached to the woman, and she's started to understand this fact, which simply makes her flirt more. It's both hell and heaven because while I'm trying to serve tables and steal, she'll randomly come up behind me, running her hand past my waist and grabbing me to move me out of the way, resulting in me being a flustered mess and almost failing at stealing the customers' items.

The other times she flirts is when the staff begin to sing, which I don't partake in. They dance around, and Madame Thenardier always seems to grab me and pull me to dance with her, although she plays it off as 'you're the only one available since everyone else is already dancing with someone else,' or 'it's sheer coincidence, it's not my fault you're always near me.' Of course, I don't mind, but I always find it funny that she is always near me, no matter how far I am from her designated area.
"Miss?" I question, knocking on the door to her storage room where she puts her collections of the day.
"Mmm?" she mumbles, counting something under her breath.
"I'm done cleaning up."

"I'll see you tomorrow then." I speak, turning to walk out, only to hear the door open and feel my arm get grabbed. With great force, I'm pulled back into the storage room, a little shriek being released as I hit the counter behind me, gasping softly when I realize Ms. Thenardier is standing right in front of me, her hands holding mine to my sides, keeping me in place.

"Now now, we can't let you go now, hm? It's quite late and there are perverts all around the town."
"Most of them are passed out upstairs." I chuckle, motioning up with my head.

"You never know how many are out there though. Allow me to finish up my counting and walk you home."
I hesitate for a moment. "What about your husband? Would he not get worried?"
She snorts softly. "My husband doesn't give a single fuck where I go, and even if he did, I wouldn't care. Now what do you say?"

Biting my cheek, I nod slowly. "Ok. Sure. It'll be nice to have some company, I suppose. The walk is quite a long one though, if you're alright with that."
"Perfectly fine, I'm cramped up in this place anyways, I have energy for days." She smirks, and I'm suddenly aware of how low her eyes are, nowhere near my face.
"Oh. Alright. Erm-I'll just wait outside while you finish counting."
"Alright dear."

I give her a slight, nervous smile, waiting for her to release my hands.

She pauses for a moment before releasing me and stepping to the side, allowing me to pass by her and walk out.

My comfort//Helena Bonham Carter characters and Y/n one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now