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This entire thing is in third person so don't judge cause I normally do first person

It wasn't uncommon for y/n and Bellatrix to fight. It wasn't uncommon at all, in fact, it was very common to the point where people in the same room as the two would groan and walk out, knowing there would be a screaming match over the simplest of things. Neither of them would ever back out, Bellatrix and y/n both being too stubborn to back out. Constantly people begged them to break up, telling them both that they're destroying each other, but the two of them had an odd attraction to each other. Toxic attraction. It wasn't like this in the beginning. In the beginning, the two were in love. In the beginning, they pledged to marry each other. They were so deeply in love that they even wore small vials of each other's blood as a necklace. It wasn't a large vial, just a small one with a little prick of blood filling it. It was a sort of blood pact between the two without actually making a blood pact. This is why they stay together, because both of them, although too stubborn and too selfish to admit it, both miss the beginning of their relationship. They miss the snuggles, the laughs, the sneaking around, the hidden kisses, the sex behind closed doors, the hiding from their parents. They lived for each other and helped each other through hardships, and they never questioned that, not even through all of their fights.

That changes today.

"Why can't you ever listen to me?!" Bellatrix shrieks, sending another glass vase flying past y/n's head, shattering behind her against the wall.

"I always listen to you! You never listen to me! I've been with you through everything, and you tell me I don't listen to you?! How selfish can you be?! Not everything is about you, you stupid narcissist!"

"Who are you calling a narcissist?!"
"You! Geez, and you say I can't listen." The younger woman rolls her eyes, only getting something else thrown at her. "Stop throwing shit and talk like a normal person! This is why everyone thinks we're toxic! I'm actually starting to believe them."

Bellatrix scoffs. "Fuck them. This is between you and me."
"It always is. This is so stupid. Why are you so persistent in demanding that you're loyal to the dark lord! He knows this. I know this. Everyone knows this. He doesn't need any more proof."
"This isn't about proving loyalty! Geez, you would know this if you would fucking listen!"
"Then what is this about? This mission could kill you, do you understand that Bellatrix?"
"All the missions could kill me. That's half the fun."
"Yes, well none are as dangerous as this. I'm not letting you die just yet."

"Oh, and why do you care? It's not like you enjoy my company."
"I most certainly do not, but it's worth the memory, is it not? How we used to be?"
"Well, that was ages ago. I was stupid in loving you."

No matter how many times Bellatrix would say this, Y/n would always tear up at the statement. No matter how much she tries to deny it, she truly does still care for the woman, even if it's not shown very well.

"Stupid loving me? I'm good to you. It was stupid for me to love you!"

"How dare you! I've given you everything."
"Like what?"
"Like a spot with the death eaters."
"I never wanted that! Don't you see that?! I only wanted you. I joined for you."
"Yeah right."

"It's true. You may not believe me, but I truly did."
"Well then that's your fault, not mine."
"You truly are a narcissist; do you know that? You can't see how selfish you're being right now!"
"I am not a narcissist! Shut up!"
"Aren't you? You were raised that way! Your stupid parents were narcissists, it's possible it rubbed off on you!"
Mentioning Bellatrix's parents and her childhood was never a good thing, it would always send her into spirals of insanity, and many things were broken, and y/n has only once brought up that topic. 10 years ago. 10 years ago, she brought up Bellatrix's parents. 10 years ago, Bellatrix had hit her for the first and last time in their relationship. They had apologized to each other and agreed to never bring it up again, no matter what the circumstances. Although Bellatrix and Y/n had an emotionally abusive relationship, they had promised to never physically abuse each other, no matter what.

My comfort//Helena Bonham Carter characters and Y/n one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now