That one person//Julia Hoffman

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There's always that one person. 

That singular person who always lights up your day whenever you hear from them, whether it's through text, letter, or in person.

There's always that moment where you realize that you feel much more about them than you allow yourself to believe.

Constantly trying to ignore the fact you enjoy their company a little too much.
Ignoring how at every available second you sneak a look at your phone, trying to see whether they texted or not.

Constantly being flustered over the tiniest of things, even if it's not even flirting, just a few simple words. 

Unwilling to admit to yourself exactly what you feel towards them.

You realize that a certain person can make your entire day brighten with a single word.

But there's also that moment when you gain the confidence to at least try to tell them how you feel.

Maybe accidental or on purpose, but there is that moment one time or another.

Rejection and acceptance begin performing a dance with flames as that single person who makes you feel at home takes in what you had said to them.

Right now is one of those moments.

I stand in front of the person who makes me feel butterflies each time she texts me, every time she smiles at me, every time I see her, and every time she sends me letters.

However, instead of feeling butterflies, I tap my foot and play with my rings as I look at her, my eyes wide as I await her response.

I had accidentally spilled my feelings to her and she's been quiet for quite a while now, causing anxiety to pool up in me.

My hands shake and little beads of sweat fall down my forehead, my entire throat going dry as I look up at the woman.
Finally, after what seems like forever, she speaks up. "You like me?"
I nod slowly, not trusting my words.
"As want to be more than friends?"
I nod again.

"Why not?" I squeak out.
"Oh there are many reasons as to why you shouldn't like me."
"And there are so many reasons as to why I should like you." I say, looking up at her.
Julia's only slightly taller than me, but I always tilt my head up to look at her out of habit.

The woman swallows and looks at me, something like desperation shining in her eyes. "You shouldn't like me." She whispers.

"Why not?" I ask again.
"You just shouldn't, y/n."

"Julia, why shouldn't I? If you don't feel the same, that's perfectly fine, I just, I don't know, it kind of slipped out." I say, biting at my lip while watching Julia beginning to avoid eye contact.

"No, that's just it, I just-I do like you, I'm just not...I'm not good for you, is what I'm trying to say." She starts that sentence off confidently but ends up mumbling towards the end.

"Julia, you're more than good enough." I say, trying to suppress the goofy grin I want to let free.

She likes me

"How are you sure?"
"Because I know you. I know that you'll treat me right, and I know that I'll treat you right."
"How do you know?"
I hesitate before walking a little closer to the orange haired doctor, taking her hands in mine softly.
Her eyes snap to mine and her body tenses slightly. She seems very well aware about her body language, but she doesn't seem to be trying to calm herself down.

"Because, Julia, whenever I'm around you, I feel safe. I feel like I'm home. I feel butterflies swarming in my stomach and I feel like you're the one. You'll just stand there and smile and I'll feel as if I'm exactly where I need to be. You treat me perfectly without even doing anything. Whenever I don't feel well, you always notice and you always offer to try and help. You'll do anything to help me and it means so much to me."

"You...Do you mean that?" She asks, her hair falling in front of her face and her lips parting slightly in shock.
"Yes. I do mean that." I say, taking my left hand and tucking her hair behind her ears while my right hand continues to hold her hands.

I can physically feel her body relax slightly, not completely, but getting there.

I smile at this fact and once I finish tucking her hair behind her ears, I hold her hands in both of mine again. I part my lips in a way to show that I'm about to speak, but I'm unable to, as within moments, lips are against mine and arms are resting on my shoulders.

My eyes widen within seconds and I stare at the woman in front of me for only a few moments, processing exactly what's happening and how I'm feeling, before my eyes flicker closed and I rest my hands on her waist, pulling her towards me.

I'm kissing her

And that's how it all began.

I love how mental breakdowns give me so many writing ideas. Like I can genuinely express shit instead of force myself to write it.

It's great


The mental breakdown isn't great

But like

The writing.

K anyways have a nice day/night and I'm always here if y'all need to talk/rant to someone :)

My comfort//Helena Bonham Carter characters and Y/n one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now