I'm glad you're back//Bellatrix

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-Little back story to this one shot cause I decided to have a random ass scenario that has a backstory-

Basically y/n (Aka y'all) ran away from her family for unknown reasons and went through Hogwarts alone, not wanting her parents around. Bella was a family friend but both Bella and y/n always hated each other. They haven't seen each other in 7 years and this is about two weeks after Y/n came back to her family (And Bella).

Also Bella has to stay with y/n's family for a mission that the Dark Lord assigned. (Idk make that part up yourself lmao, this was a random one shot I had an idea for)

"What has you up this late?"
I jump and turn around to see Bellatrix. "I could ask the same." I fire back.
"Mmm...Can't sleep. Now your turn."
"Same." I reply, going back to making hot chocolate, feeling relieved when she stays silent.

"Are you still inexperienced?" She asks suddenly, making me raise an eyebrow and turn around to face her.

"Excuse me?"
"You heard the question."

"Yes I'm still inexperienced."

"So you've never..." She trails off, circling around me

I swallow and follow her with my eyes, suddenly feeling nervous. "Never...."
"Hmmm..." She walks towards me and I back up, eventually hitting the counter "But you've touched before?"
"W-what makes you say that?" I ask, my hands grasping the kitchen counter

"It's a natural talent of mine to know these things." She whispers slowly, her hand slipping into my pajama pants. "So no one's touched you before?"

I open my mouth to respond but stop when her hand moves up onto my stomach and stops right under the bra band.

"Not even here?" She follows the curve without touching my actual breasts. "What about here?" She moves back down into my shorts, going to my back, and resting her hand on my waist, leaning a bit forward, making my breath grow heavy. Her fingers trail down to the outside of my underwear against my ass. "And for sure, never here...." Her voice lowers and trails off as she moves her hand against my clit, applying a little pressure

I whimper and look up at her.

She smirks "No definitely not there. I can hear your heart racing, your breath quicken, and your whole body reacting to my touch in ways you don't know" Her voice is low and seductive

I swallow and bite my lip, not sure whether I want her to continue or not. On one hand, I fucking hate her, on the other hand, she's always been an interesting character to me, and I can't deny her beauty.

Her fingers move to the strap of my underwear, about to go in, before we both hear footsteps.

Bellatrix jumps back away from me and I take the moment to control my breathing.
"What are you two doing up?" Mother asks.
"I'm making hot chocolate." I reply a bit too quickly for my liking.
"I'm walking around." Bella responds plainly.
"How about you?" I ask my mother.

"I have a mission with the dark lord and I need some alcohol before I go." She says simply, walking to the cupboard and grabbing a bottle of whiskey. She picks it up and downs some of it without flinching. She closes it and puts it away. "Don't burn my house down." Is all she says before apparating.

I let out a soft breath, thankful for the fact that she didn't notice anything that isn't particularly normal.

"Now where were we...?" Bella mumbles, walking up to me.
I smirk and decide to see what she does if I resist. "I was simply going back to my room and you were taking a walk." I say, smirking at her before grabbing my hot chocolate, winking, and walking out of the kitchen and back downstairs.

My comfort//Helena Bonham Carter characters and Y/n one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now