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I stay on the bed, propping myself up on my elbow, watching as Bella gets up and walks to her closet, deciding what to wear. Once decided, she begins changing in front of me, making my cheeks heat up while I scan her body quickly. I smile and watch her slip on her shorts, but before she can put her dress on, something catches my eye. 

I stand up and walk over to the woman I'm so lucky to call my girlfriend. I rest my right hand on her waist while my left runs over the tattoo on the left side of her chest. 'Y/N' it reads, her heart beating directly under the spot of the tattoo.

"What?" I ask lightly, looking up at her.
The older witch simply smiles, taking my face in her right hand. "I wanted to make sure you know that my heart is yours."

"I-I..." I stutter, at a loss for words. "Y-you tattooed my n-name onto your chest..." I whisper out, making her laugh softly.
"We've already covered that, darling." Before I can question anything further, her lips are against mine, her hand pulling my face closer to her.

I rest both my arms on her shoulders while her left hand rests on my waist, and her right hand remains on my face. We rest there for a while, until neither of us can breathe, and we pull away. "I love you." I whisper softly.
"I love you too, sweetie." She pulls away from me and slips on her dress, smiling at me, the tattoo still visible.
"When did you get it?"
"How did I not notice?"
"It wasn't visible until this morning."
"A-and you're not worried about people seeing it?"
Bella raises an eyebrow at me. "If I minded, do you really think I would have tattooed it?"
"Exactly." She kisses my forehead lightly and I smile.

"I love you." I repeat softly, never having enough of saying those three words.

"I love you so much more."

My comfort//Helena Bonham Carter characters and Y/n one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now