3:37 am//Bellatrix

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Droplets of water tap against the windows, waking me up. My eyes flicker open and I look at the time.

3:37 am, it reads.

Arms wrap around my waist securely and she pulls me closer, pressing our bodies together.
"Rain wake you up?" Bella asks softly, making me smile slightly.
"Mhm." I mumble, turning around so I'm facing her.

The older witch adjusts herself a bit and smiles at me, her eyes shining with happiness.

"You mean the world to me, Bella."

"Likewise, darling. You have no idea how much you mean to me. You made your way into my heart in a very short period of time, and ever since the day we met, you never left that spot in my heart."

A smile creeps onto my face as I bring my right hand up, tracing her cheekbones softly. "I never knew you felt so strongly for me the day we met."
"Well, I don't share many feelings often, you know that."
"I do, and I feel honored that you're willing to share your feelings occasionally."

"You should be." She jokes, making me laugh softly.

I give her a quick peck on the lips before curling into her and resting my head on her chest.

One of Bella's hands tangles into my hair, playing with a few strands and untangling the knots.

We lay there silently, just listening to the rain that's tapping ever so gently against the windows. I let out a little sigh, completely wrapped up in the moment, all my thoughts faded away, leaving just comfort.

To me, everything is perfect at the moment, the moonlight that shines into the room through the window, the soft sounds of the rain, the noises of the creatures of the night, and most importantly, being in the arms of the woman I have fallen for. 

My comfort//Helena Bonham Carter characters and Y/n one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now