Rainy confession//Bellatrix

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Basically this takes place after Hogwarts, Bella and y/n have been dating secretly in school, and y/n is running away from her arranged marriage. 

I run out of the Manor I live in, my feet barefoot, and my white dress flowing as I run, run into the forest I live near, run until I assume I'm far away from where I live and far away from the people that live with me.

I let out a small giggle, and then another, and another, and another until I burst out laughing, bending down and resting my hands on my knees.

I'm free

I'm finally free

"Something amusing, darling?" I hear a voice ask me, a voice all too familiar.

I look up and my laugh dies down, but a wide grin remains on my face. "I'm free." I say softly, biting the inside of my cheek as I say it out loud for the first time. "I'm free, Bella."

The woman in front of me smiles and takes my left hand in hers, playing with the engagement ring on my finger. "Let's not celebrate too soon, darling."

I simply smile at her. "It's fine, Bella, we're fine."

"Mmm, I'm not too sure."
"Well I am."
"What if they catch you?"
"Then I'll run."
"What about me?"
I pause for a second, staring into her eyes and giving her a reassuring smile. "Then we'll run together."

Bella smiles at me and releases my hand, her hands running down my body and resting on my hips.

As an instinct, I wrap my arms around her neck, stepping forward so there's barely any space between us.

The sky today had been quite the scene, and currently it was a certain shade of royal blue, the clouds whiter than bed linens fit for a royal, dotted here and there, like dainty pearls scattered across the seabed. The moon begins to show up now, and it seems to turn the leaves into quite a mix of colors. There are certain shades of yellow, a sort of lava-red and burnished-brown, the night adding a specific type of gloom to the area we're in, although to the two of us, that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. The dark tree trunks, the shadows, the clusters of bushes, the trails that have been made over centuries, the moon shining through patches of leaves that hang above us, all add to the beauty of the forest. Small glimpses of the sky through trees, the stars only visible in certain parts of the area we're in. Wind slipping through leaves and making a slight whistling sound, creaking tree trunks, the flutter of unseen wings, coyote calls, foxes yipping, wolves howling in the distance, and the sound of sticks cracking as animals scurry around. All of the sounds and the sights seem magical at this moment, and the wind begins to pick up, causing leaves to blow and trees to creak softly. Droplets of moisture begin to fall from the leaves and sprinkle onto us. It starts out light before the rainfall becomes more intense, raindrops hitting the tops of trees causing quite the melodic sound. Within moments, us too are victims of the rain, our clothes becoming soaked. I laugh softly and look at the woman in front of me. Her stubborn curls fought the rain as it's chill showered us and the rainclouds celebrated a victory as her raven locks tumbled down her back, her hair clinging to her skin as if death awaited their departure.

The sound of the rain so dulcet that in this moment, I feel as if I could fall asleep, however a whisper in a hushed tone stops me from closing my eyes, and I listen to those words, listen to her instead of the rain.
"You're so beautiful in the rain."

I smile at her, looking at the droplets that rest ever so elegantly on her face and hair. "I could say the same about you, love." I whisper, causing her to smile as well.

When she makes no motion to respond, I tilt my head back, still holding onto the woman in front of me. I close my eyes and allow the rain to fall onto my face.

There's something so magical about the rain to me. Perhaps the sound? Possibly the feeling? Or maybe it's just the fact that the entire world goes silent except for the patter of the drops falling onto trees. How it calms me and leaves my thoughts quiet for a few hours. I never have to worry about anything when it rains, it's my comfort place. Everything about it feels like home. It doesn't matter whether I'm out in the rain, or inside reading a book while the droplets softly patter against my window, either way, I feel a sort of comfort that nothing and no one can provide me. 

Well, that is perhaps a lie.

The beautiful, raven haired woman in front of me does cause certain feelings that the rain cannot provide, a sort of security and a sense of love.

At this thought, I tilt my head back up and stare in front of me, only to find the love of my life staring at me already, a small, compassionate smile on her face, her eyes shining with adoration.
"What?" I ask, my lips spreading into a goofy grin.
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Like what?"
"With so much adoration in your eyes."
The girl in front of me laughs softly. "Because I adore you, y/n. You mean everything to me and I enjoy every second we're together. And right now, well right now, in the rain, you look insanely beautiful and carefree. It's a good look on you, darling."

My goofy smile turns into a soft one and I look at her, my mouth parted slightly, the rain now forgotten. "I don't know what to say." I whisper softly.

Bella simply smiles at me. "You don't have to say anything." And with that, her lips are against mine, the rain long forgotten, neither of us caring about the future consequences about standing in the rain for this long. All we care about is each other.

We stand there, just passionately making out, but not going any further than French kissing. Eventually, we do have to pull away and I rest my forehead against Bella's, closing my eyes and smiling to myself. "I love you." I whisper unconsciously, causing Bella's body to go tense.

We've never said those words to each other.

Part two some other time but here's this :)

My comfort//Helena Bonham Carter characters and Y/n one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now