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Taking a break from the event my father had hosted, I walk outside the manor, going into the forest that lies right behind my home. I sigh and take off the masquerade mask I've been wearing the entire evening, feeling the relief of the wind brushing against my face. All evening I've been stuck inside, greeting guests, talking to powerful families that my father wants to join 'forces' with, whatever that means, and honestly, I've missed the peace and quiet.

"Stupid pureblood reputation." I mumble, rubbing my head as I continue walking through the forest. "Always some stupid event that's needed to keep us at the top of the top. Fucking idiots."

I walk around the forest, making sure I don't bump into a tree by accident since it is quite dark. Eventually, upon getting too deep in the forest, I begin returning back to my manor, at least I think I'm returning, everything looks similar around here and I could've sworn I've never seen that rock. I groan loudly, mumbling to myself. "Just had to get lost, didn't you? This is why no one trusts you with directions...Oh great I'm talking to myself now, that's just amazing." I roll my eyes and close my mouth, trying to stop talking out loud, a habit I've always had.

It stays quiet for quite a while as I continue to make my way out of the forest, following the lights from where my fathers manor is. Crickets chirp and owls hoot, but besides that, there's absolutely no noise whatsoever.

Suddenly, my hips are grabbed and I'm being slammed into a tree, someone holding a knife up to my throat as they pin my arms above my head with their other hand.
I groan in pain at how hard I was slammed into the tree, and I squint, trying to figure out who on earth is out here with me and how come I didn't hear them.
"Long time no see, y/n." A voice I recognize all too well speaks out, and I can practically hear the smirk on her face.
"Bellatrix." I say coldly. "Following me?"
"No, I just happened to stumble into a random forest and see you, of course I was following you, dumbass."
I roll my eyes and her grip on my hands tightens as the knife presses against my skin.

"Don't you dare roll your eyes at me."
"How on earth can you see me? I can't even see a centimeter in front of me."
"I stay up late in the dark quite a lot, my eyes can focus in the dark."
"Mhmm...What do you want, Bellatrix? What are you even doing here?"
"Is that really a question, darling? I'm here to kill you."
I scoff. "Yeah right. You've had so many opportunities to kill me before, but you've never taken the chance, why should this time be any different?"

"Because this time, my judgment isn't clouded."
"Your judgment isn't clouded." I repeat, raising an eyebrow. "What on earth does that mean?"
"It means that I no longer like you."
It takes me a minute to understand exactly what she's saying until my eyes widen. "You...You had a crush on me?"
"Wow, you really are slow."
"Oh shut up."
"What makes you so sure all feelings for me are gone?"
"That is information I can't share."
"Mhm...So you're saying all temptations are gone?"
"So if I do this..." I tilt my head to the side slightly and move my face closer to hers until I feel her breath on my face. "You don't feel anything?"
Her breath hitches and for a slight second, her grip loosens and the knife moves away from my neck. "N-not at all."

I take that second to get free of her grip and flip us around, grabbing her knife and holding it up against her throat. I pin her arms above her head with my left hand while my right holds the knife to her throat. I dig my waist into hers and I feel her breathing pattern change for a few moments before she composes herself. I smirk and lean in, keeping our lips only a few centimeters away. Oh what I'd do to see her face right now. "Really? Because I think you're feeling more than you're letting on."

"I despise you."

"Mmm...From the way you're reacting to this position, I think it's safe to say that's a lie." I smirk, pressing the knife against her throat, piercing a little bit of skin, causing a few drops of blood to trickle down her neck. 

"Oh fuck you." She breathes out. 

"You know you'd like to...Until next time, darling." I say, pulling away, dropping her knife, and walking away, smiling at the discovery that she likes me back.

My comfort//Helena Bonham Carter characters and Y/n one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now