
577 34 23

TW: None

A/N: Okay, quick thing here, all of the legal stuff included in this chapter is pure guesswork, and probably isn't very accurate, so sorry about that (especially since I don't live in the UK).

 Ranboo knew he was being irrational, he knew that there wasn't any reason for him to feel this way. Yet he did. He felt betrayed. He knew that Tubbo had joined during stream and it wouldn't have made sense to tell him, but his mind still decided to ignore that fact. As hard as he tried to convince himself that Tubbo had every right to keep the information to himself, and it was probably for the better that he did, it didn't work. He still felt resentment.

Was he ever planning on telling me? Despite all of his better judgment yelling at him not to, he pulled up his DM's with the boy.


any update on wilbur?

Eons seemed to pass as the boy waited for Tubbo to respond. His eyes darted to the side of his screen, checking for the millionth time to see if he was on. He was.

Tubbo is typing...

What is taking so long? Wouldn't it be a yes or no answer? Taking a deep breath, he tried in vain once more to convince himself to drop it. To not care about whatever the answer may be. It doesn't matter. He's his own person. Plus, when would he have told me anyway? Any time, he has your Discord. A part of him whispered.


no, sorry

That was it? Had Tommy lied? Did he mix up who he had told? Why didn't Tubbo just tell him the truth? Weren't they supposed to be friends? No, no, no, no. He scolded himself. Stop. Stop right where you are. It doesn't matter. Tubbo is being smart. The more people told the harder it will be to keep it from the fans. We are already pushing it with how many people know what happened to him in the first place. That's all it is. Tubbo is protecting the secret. Yet still his mind held on to the doubts.


Tubbo froze when he saw what Ranboo had sent. The four words that tested all of his loyalties. His promise to Tommy. The trust that meant so much to him. Why did he have to choose between two of his closest friends?

Hesitantly, he began to type. 'Yes, Tommy told me that he was awake, that's all I know though'. His finger hovered over the 'enter' button, a millimeter away from the thing that said so little but meant so much. Surely Tommy would understand, right? No, no he couldn't do it. Rapidly hitting the backspace, he retyped his answer with a simple denial. It's not like Ranboo would even know.

That shouldn't change anything. A part of him whispered, and he knew it was true. He had lied. He had lied to a person who trusted him and he hated himself for it. But it was for Tommy, for Wilbur. He had told Tommy he wouldn't tell anyone and he wouldn't. It wasn't his place to make those decisions.


Phil wandered aimlessly through the store, knowing exactly what he needed yet not finding it within himself to look. His mind was on Wilbur. His mind was scoping out every possible way to help him and reminding him of every possible way that this could go wrong. Thankfully, a blaring ringtone snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Hello, this is Phil," he greeted.

"Hi, this is {insert name} from the police department? We spoke not too long ago."

Phil thought for a second, scanning his memories for the man that he was now on the phone with, "Oh! Yeah, yeah I remember."

"Okay, okay, cool, um," he trailed off, "Uh, you can pick up Will's stuff now."

"Oh! Now?"

"Yeah, as soon as you have a chance preferably, for legal reasons people want his belongings out of the house as quickly as possible."

"Yeah, yeah, of course," Phil agreed, "Um, I am currently at the store, but when I get back I'll pick that up."

"Okay, that works!" the man verified, seeming very eager to leave the call.

"Cool, thank you, bye." Phil said, hanging up. Puffing out a breath, he ran his hand down his face. Will's stuff had been holed up in various places as it was technically part of an active crime scene, but now that that crime was resolved, it made sense that he got it back. Finding his resolve, he made his way towards the aisles he needed, and started to shop.

I hope you guys have a wonderful day/night!

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