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TW: Swearing


 Ranboo glared at the screen, he hated this. He hated the awkward silence that had developed between him and Tubbo. They were supposed to be friends, husbands! If a single argument tore them apart, what did that say about their relationship? Shaking his head, he reached for his mouse. With shaky hands, he found the call button, and clicked.

"Hi, Ranboo," Tubbo greeted, sounding tired.

"Hey." There was a pause. This never happened before. "How- how are you?" he asked. Why do I sound so formal?


"You don't- you don't sound fine."

"Well maybe I'm not!" the boy snapped. There was a beat of silence, neither knowing what to say. "Sorry," Tubbo said, finally.

"No, no I deserved that. I- I messed up, and- and I'm sorry. I shouldn't- I shouldn't have- I shouldn't have put you in that position, I shouldn't have doubted you in the first place, and- and you don't- you don't- you didn't give me any reason not to trust you and- and I should have. So- so I'm sorry," Ranboo ranted, the words tumbling out of his mouth as he attempted to explain all of his thoughts. "You- you don't have to forgive me if- if you don't want to." The silence was deafening as Ranboo waited anxiously for Tubbo's response. What does he think of me now? The quiet stretched on for too long, and the boy realized with a start, that Tubbo was crying.


Tubbo wasn't quite sure what he was expecting when he answered the call. Maybe anger, or disappointment, or awkwardness (okay, that last one did happen but that's besides the point). He didn't expect the raw feeling of regret that was seeping out of his platonic husband's voice. The genuine emotion put behind the apology. Why were they even upset with each other? Suddenly their fight seemed so silly. They were friends! The iconic duo! Platonic husbands that had gotten three divorces within a month! Okay, that last one probably wasn't a good thing, but whatever.

Overwhelmed with sudden emotion, Tubbo felt as tears pricked at his eyes, overflowing onto his cheeks.

"This is so fucking stupid. What are we even fighting about?" he asked, voicing his thoughts.

"I- I don't even know." Ranboo responded with a wet laugh, he had been crying too. They continued talking for a while, not about anything in particular, just life. They talked about Wilbur, about how much they missed him, how they worried about him. They talked about Tommy and Phil, and how hard this must be for them. They talked about how stressful life had become, with the pressure to perform from their viewers, the requests to help with videos from friends (the latter they didn't mind very much).

Long ago their tears had turned into laughter. Long ago the awkwardness had turned into easy conversation. Long ago, their friendship had begun, and long ago, they had made a promise to each other. It wasn't a vocal one, it was more of a mutual understanding. Tubbo wasn't going anywhere, and neither was Ranboo, and they both knew that Tommy wasn't gonna get out of their hair anytime soon either.


Bad wasn't sure what to do with himself. Phil had hung up abruptly saying that he had heard something, no further explanation. Rolling over the man's words in his head, he considered the ramifications of this revelation (that's fun to say). He's safe. That's what Phil had said. The statement finally seemed to sink in. Wilbur was safe. Tears of relief rolled down his cheeks as he smiled. Wilbur's safe. That's all that matters. Well, also the well being of said person, but being safe was a good first step, he supposed.

Soon, he found himself full on laughing, the pressure that had rested on him for months finally lifted. Wilbur was safe. The words kept repeating in his head, he just couldn't quite believe it. Wilbur's safe.

Bad smiled, he's safe.


Dream was feeling slightly better, not 100%, of course, but better. He had just finished editing one of his videos, and was getting ready to start on the extra scenes one when Sapnap called him from the other room.

"Yeah?" he yelled back.

"Come here real quick!"

"K!" Dream quickly shut off his computer, making sure to save his work before doing so, and stood up. Stretching, he made his way towards Sapnap, scratching his neck as he walked. "What's up?" He asked as he entered the kitchen.

"Surprise!" the man exclaimed, holding a box of cookies.

Dream smiled, "You're such an idiot."

"But, I'm your idiot," Sapnap joked, winking as he opened the store bought treats, passing one to Dream as soon as he could access them.


"No problem," he paused, "Though, I did use your credit ca-"


"I'm kidding! I'm kidding!" Dream eyed him suspiciously. "Maybe..." 

Awww look, everyone's happy! I'm sure that will continue to be true- ANyWaY! Have a wonderful day/night!

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