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TW: Swearing

A/N: This would be longer, but my laptop is at 1%, so I'mma just post this real quick... 

Phil had spent the better half of an hour just going through his contacts, deciding who to text and who to not. It was a hard decision most of the time, fighting between his moral compass and his respect for Will's privacy. Some were more obvious, like Techno, Tubbo, Tommy, and Ranboo. The quartet had been close to the man, and they cared about him. Same with Dream, Bad, George, and Sapnap. But, as the names got more and more obscure, Phil had to wonder if they had the status of "close."

It made him feel bad to even think that way, but he knew he had to make a call. If he didn't, the entire internet would know. Which, they would eventually, but that was for Will to decide. Speaking of the man, Philza hadn't seen him since he had gone upstairs, and he was getting kind of worried. But, he respected Wilbur's privacy, and unless something came up, he would continue to.


Tubbo, Tommy, and Ranboo all stared blankly at the texts that had been sent to all of them pretty much simultaneously. It was the same message, probably copy pasted several times over, but the weight it carried was still the same. So, for such similar circumstances, they had surprisingly different reactions.

Tubbo just got really quiet, trailing off mid-sentence as he processed what the words meant, the concern building as he read on. Tommy also cut himself off, but more abruptly, his head moving quickly back and forth, almost angrily, as he scanned the text. Ranboo read the message under his breath, gasping slightly at a couple parts, sniffling at others.

The VC was quiet for a while, no one quite knowing what to say, how to process the information dump.

"Do- do you think he's okay?" Tubbo asked finally, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I- I don't know. I mean- I mean I don't think getting shot anywhere is- is good," Ranboo responded quietly, scanning over one more time to make sure he had read it correctly.

"Who the fuck shot Will?" Tommy nearly yelled, taking the other two by surprise. "What the fuck did he do to deserve all of this?" The boy's voice broke. "What did he do?"


Dream sighed, rereading the message for the millionth time, as if he could magically find the hidden meaning, the promise laced into the words. He knew it was his fault, that if he hadn't called Phil this would have never happened. That he had gotten Wilbur shot. Ironic, he supposed. He was just trying to help.

"Sitting there sulking isn't gonna get you anywhere," Sapnap remarked, leaning against the doorframe of his office.

"Who said I'm sulking?"

"Um, the entirety of your body language?" Dream scoffed, shaking his head as he turned slowly towards his friend, not even attempting to hide the puffiness that had consumed his eyes.

"I think it's my fault."

Sapnap raised his eyebrows, "Yeah, right. It was an accident, and no one blames you, alright?" He paused, his face softening. "If anyone blames you, I'll punt them into the stratosphere.

"You're not that strong."

"Yeah, I am!"

"You're such an idiot," Dream stated, immediately regretting it as Sapnap opened his mouth.

"But, I'm your-"

"Shut up."


Techno woke up and was quite surprised to see a text from Phil, very casually explaining how Wilbur had been shot, and was still recovering. Well, that's one way to tell everyone. 

Have a wonderful day/night!

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