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TW: Panic attack
A/N: I have been in the car for about 6-7 hours, I wrote this chapter on my phone (which was quite hard btw, and I blame any spelling mistakes on that), I am going insane.

Dream was very confused, why did Wilbur have Phil's phone? No, better question, how did Wilbur have Phil's phone? Last he had heard, the man had been in the hospital, still in a coma. And what was with his reaction? Dream wasn't stupid, he knew it was a panic attack, but the question was why

Thankfully, Phil apparently realized what was happening and stepped in, well, that's what he assumed, the line had gone dead ages ago. He was left hoping against hope that everything was alright. Pacing back and forth in his office, he tried to ignore the anxious thoughts racing through his mind.

Glancing around the room, he tried to figure out something to do. Might as well. Sighing, he started picking up the stray objects and trash strewn across the floor. Being a faceless streamer had its advantages, you didn't have to keep the place spotless for cameras. That didn't mean he wanted the place to be a pig pen, though.

After he was done with that, he walked back over to his PC, making sure no one had texted him. That's weird. Clicking on the new icon, he realized with confusion that it wasn't a glitch, and he had actually been added to a group chat.

Raising an eyebrow, the man opened it, not sure what to expect. "Pity Party." Dream scoffed. There was an ongoing call, and the man only hesitated a second before joining

"DREEEEAAAMMM!" Sapnap yelled, and the mentioned man could hear him both in his headphones and through the walls.

"Hi? Wha- what is this?"

"I dunno, Dream, it's almost like the name of the group chat tells you," George answered sassily, and Dream could hear the smirk in his voice.

"I was feeling kinda down, and I figured you guys were too, so I made this," Niki explained, actually giving the green man some information, unlike the previous answer.

"Oh," he paused, gathering his thoughts, "Is- is everyone in this, or no?"

"Pretty much, as many people as I could think of."

"Got it... And what exactly are we doing?" he asked with an awkward chuckle.

"Just thought we'd talk, I guess," Niki replied. There was a pause, no one seeming to know what to say.

"Well, this is a good talk," Sapnap commented sarcastically after a good fifteen seconds of silence.

"Exactly what I was thinking," George agreed.


Phil had no idea what he was doing. Wilbur was completely unresponsive, unseeing to every attempt at comfort. Not hearing any of the reassuring words that the man was continuing to whisper. Everything was perceived as a threat, nothing registering as safe.

He felt helpless. The man he was supposed to be helping was backed into the corner, afraid of any movement Phil made, terrified of some invisible force that would do who knows what.


Wilbur couldn't breathe, he couldn't make a noise. If he did he would be found, he and his brothers would be in danger. He couldn't do that to them. There were so many sayings about what a parent would do for their children, but there's nothing for what siblings would do for each other. He would rather die than have something happen to them. He regretted his actions, he really did, so why did fate keep reminding him of his past mistakes? Why couldn't he just be left alone?

Uncovering his face, he snuck a peek out, trying to see if the danger had passed, if it was safe for him to run. It wasn't. He was still right there. The person who dared call himself their father was blocking the way out, keeping him contained.

Trying to steady his breathing, he closed his eyes, imagining it was a battlefield. What was the most logical way to get out? He had no weapons, and no cover, the only way would be brute force. Flicking his eyes open, he observed the area, picturing all of the possible escape routes, all the ways he could disable his opponent, while keeping himself safe.

Making a decision, he abruptly rolled forward, expertly throwing his hands out at just the right time to push Phil over (he ignored the sting of pain that shot through his fingers in doing so), before shooting to his feet, making a break for it. He sprinted for the front door, not bothering to check if Phil was chasing him or not, he knew he wasn't. Techno had taught him well. He ran blindly through the streets, not paying attention to where he was, or where he was going. He just wanted out.

Unfortunately the outside world wasn't ready for Wilbur Soot

Welp, I dunno what to do now, plz talk to me: . Thank you guys so much for the support, have a wonderful day/night!

PS: I haven't forgotten about Attached, I just have writers block for it

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