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TW: Themes of depression and mention of hospital

A/N: Sorry for the three day disappearance lol (five if you don't read Attached) wrote this while blasting Mask and YCGMA at top volume so... yeah. 

 Dream had no motivation, it was just one of those days. One of those days where all you want to do is lay in bed, blast music, and ignore the world. Unfortunately, he had friends who cared about him and wouldn't let him dissolve into the mattress. Well, now that he thought about it that was probably a good thing, but his half functioning brain refused to acknowledge it.

So that was how he woke up at 10:00 AM. By Sapnap barging into his room banging pots and pans together yelling at the top of his lungs telling him to "Eat some fucking breakfast." Again, probably a good thing, and he would appreciate it later, but that didn't mean he wanted it now. Groaning into his pillow, he rolled out of bed, hitting his leg on the bedside table as he made his way to the kitchen.

"Finally," Sapnap commented, shoving him jokingly as he dragged the coffee pot over to his cup, all while glaring daggers semi-playfully at the shorter man. Seeing his unamused face, Sapnap's smile faded, turning into a concerned frown. "You good, man?" Dream just shrugged, he didn't feel anything. Just numb, and bored, even though he didn't want to do anything. Why couldn't his brain just make up its mind?

"I'm just tired."

"Okay," Sapnap said skeptically, probably not believing him in the slightest.

"I'm gonna- I'm gonna get some work done, probably edit or something," Dream rambled, already meandering off to his office, drink in hand. Sitting down at his computer, the man stared blankly at the screen, struggling to find it within himself to put his hands on the keyboard. Snapping out of his haze, he typed his password in quickly, fingers finding the buttons with a practiced ease.

The computer automatically opened up the last thing he was on: Discord. Dream's mind came to a screeching halt. Because of the fog he had been in all morning he had forgotten, the five month anniversary for Wilbur's disappearance was today. His finger hovered over the mouse, it wasn't like this was the first time he had called the man since he had gone missing (even if he knew that there was no way the man would be able to answer from the hospital), it was just that it was finally dawning on him how long it had been.

Every single time he did it he felt useless, guilty, ashamed. He felt like he should be doing more. For fuck's sake he had 23 million subscribers (congrats on that, Dream, btw), it wasn't like he was lacking money. One of his best friends was practically dying on a hospital bed, and what was he doing? He was just sitting in his office listening to an empty line ring.


Phil awoke to the sound of a ringtone, turning slightly, the man glared at the phone. Who on Earth would be calling at like 4:00 AM in the morning? Well, a lot of people actually. Sighing, the blond grabbed the device, sitting up as he did so. Not even bothering to look at the caller ID, he answered it (it was a Discord ringtone thing).


"Hi, Phil." Bad greeted, "I just wanted to see how you were doing, I know that... you know.." he trailed off.

"Aw, mate. I'm doing okay, bit tired, but I'll live." Phil assured, smiling at the sweetness of the man. "How 'bout you?"

"Oh, you know, life's life." Bad paused, "Skeppy keeps calling me, though, telling me to log onto various servers."

Phil let out a dry laugh, "That sounds like Skeppy."

"Yeah." Neither seemed to know what to say after that. "I miss him." Bad said out of nowhere. And Phil knew without asking who the man was talking about. Wilbur. He was trapped in between a rock and a hard place. He could either risk telling someone else, or he could lie. He imagined Bad, sitting at his desk (judging from the audio quality), anxiously tapping his fingers against the wood as his mind thought of all the things that could go wrong, not knowing if his friend would ever wake up. He knew because he had had that same experience. It had a way of clouding your head, taking over every waking thought.

"I- he's- he's safe, Bad."


"He's at my place right now, he's- he's asleep on the couch." Phil said quickly, before he lost his nerve.

"Wait, what do you mean? I- I don't understand."

"He woke up a couple days ago, and now he's living with me."


Now I'm gonna go to bed before my friends murder me for not taking care of myself, have a wonderful day/night :D

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