
312 18 17

TW: Derealization, themes of depression, lack of care about personal health

A/N: Helllloooo, how are you today?

 Wilbur had been walking for a while, the sun traveling through the sky at an even pace, it's heat never quite warming the man up like it used to. Everything just seemed so... fuzzy. Thoughts drifting in and out of his head, memories surfacing just to disappear in the murky depths of his mind before he could latch on. He felt incomplete, like he was forgetting something important. Or even someone. But he didn't know what it was, because he couldn't remember.

Wiping away the tear trickling down his cheek, he quickly recoiled, before realizing what had happened. Searching around him for someway to get the burning substance off his face, he quickly brought his sleeve over his hand, dabbing at the water under his eyes. He would have to get used to this.

Sniffing quietly, he turned towards the sun, wishing that he could feel it's full effects one more time. That his pale skin would feel warm to the touch, not the nearly unbearable cold temperature that it was now. Nothing felt comforting, anymore. Nothing felt complete. He was the piece of a puzzle that didn't quite fit right, the one character who's plot armor ran out.

He wasn't quite sure how long he stood there, watching the shadows move across the uneven ground, the sun disappear behind the horizon. He felt strangely at peace, standing there in the dark. Alone, like he normally was. The breeze biting at his face and neck, like bitter tendrils, reaching out to the lonely man.

Sighing, the ghost slowly made his way through the field, time blurring together as he walked aimlessly, knowing he wasn't wanted anywhere. He knew that whatever Alivebur did, no one would forgive him for, even if he didn't remember. Seconds turned into minutes, minutes turned into hours, hours turned into days, days into weeks. It didn't matter anymore. Clouds hung heavily above him, the snow that had been threatening to fall finally giving in as the flakes drifted down. Yet, the ghost kept walking, indifferent to everything.

He kept moving until he couldn't anymore. Collapsing under a tree, he broke down, not caring about the stinging pain that came with his tears, with the snow that now coated the ground.

"Wilbur?" the man glanced up, hurriedly wiping away the water that was still trickling down his face.

"Um, hi," he greeted nervously, scared of Techno's reaction to his appearance. It didn't seem to matter to Tommy that he was his brother, so the same probably applied to his other sibling. The pig hybrid paused, examining the obviously exhausted ghost. The pinkett raised an eyebrow.

"Well, come on then." Wilbur quickly brought himself to his feet, hesitantly starting to follow his brother, before flinching back into the cover of the tree, now hyper aware of the burns he had gotten in his previous carelessness. Techno glanced back, seemingly connecting the dots.

The pig hybrid sighed, tossing his twin his cape, before starting off again. Wilbur looked at him in surprise, before hurrying after him, only taking a second to situate the fabric over himself, protecting his skin from the brutal weather. Better than nothing, he supposed.


"Are you okay?" Of course, that was George's first question. Why wouldn't it be? Dream really should have expected that.

"I'm fine," the man lied bluntly, knowing full well that his friend wouldn't buy it for a second. George scoffed, waiting patiently for Dream to answer honestly. "I-" he sighed, "I don't know, okay? I guess- I guess I just feel like it's my fault, you know?"

"No one thinks that."

"I know, George!" Dream took a breath, "I know." There was a pause. "Gosh, you just should've heard how scared he was," he said finally, holding his head in his hands. "It was like I had- I had- like I had killed him, or something." There was silence on the line for a while, neither knowing what to say.

"I'm sure he'll come around," the brunet stated finally, his voice not leaving any room for negotiation.

"Okay," Dream agreed doubtfully, knowing full well that it wouldn't be that simple. It never was.


Sapnap observed quietly as Dream walked slowly out of his room and into the kitchen, the dark circles under his eyes clearly visible.

"There's some coffee in the pot, if you want it," he informed softly, knowing that for Dream it didn't really wake him up, anyway. The man nodded, pulling down a mug from the cupboard, filling it about halfway with the caffeinated drink. Neither of them said anything, just enjoying each other's presence.

"Did you really have to use Heatwaves?" Dream asked finally, raising his eyebrows at the shorter man.


The blond scoffed, shaking his head, "You're such an idiot."

"But, I'm your-"

Dream cut him off, trying and failing to hide his grin, "Don't."

Sapnap smiled, "If you say so." 

Quick thing, please read: I'm starting school in a couple days, and I'm not sure how that will effect my updating schedule, so if I'm not active for a couple days, just know, I'm not dead (probably, ya never know). 

Have a wonderful day/night!

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