
187 17 12

TW: Swearing

A/N: Mother Dearest is getting mad at me- take content

"Willllll!" Tommy complained, pulling the boy's sweater as he made his way towards the door.

"Let go of me, you gremlin child!" the brunet grumbled, trying in vain to shake the child off of him. "I need to go to work."

"But, Willlllll," Tubbo joined in, grabbing Wilbur's leg while Techno watched, amused, as his twin struggled.

"Are you just going to fuckin' stand there?"

"Yep." Shaking his head in semi-mock annoyance, the brunet finally managed to free his arm from Tommy's grubby hands. Moving on to Tubbo before the blond could get a hold of him once again. All in vain, of course.

"I need to go to work, you fucks!"

"But, it's Christmas!" Tubbo protested, falling to the ground with a thump as Wilbur managed to shake him free.

"That doesn't mean we don't need money! Tell them Techno!" The pinkett raised his eyebrows, looking at his twin skeptically.

"Wilbur, you haven't slept in almost a week. And, I know I'm the last person that should be lecturing you about sleep schedules, but you're going to collapse on the spot if you keep doing this."

"I'm fine!" the brunet protested, rubbing his eyes as if it would get rid of the incriminating evidence.

"Sure, keep telling yourself that," Techno stated sarcastically, tugging the brunet away from the door slowly. "Take the day off." He faltered. "Please." Wilbur sighed, his gaze trailing from face to face, brother to brother.

"Fine." Next thing Wilbur knew, he was on the ground, Tommy and Tubbo on top of him as they drowned him with hugs. "Fuck!" the brunet wheezed out, laughing as the pair turned their grabby hands to Techno, who was now backing away slowly, like a cornered animal about to be eaten. Which, to be fair, wasn't too far off.

"Heyyyyyyy... Do- do you guys wanna- do you guys wanna talk about this first?" The pair didn't respond, sly smiles on their faces as they continued to advance. Wilbur gave his twin a salute. "Um, do you wanna do presents?" That was all that needed to be said. Both immediately stopped in their tracks, tilting their heads simultaneously like twins in a horror movie.

Laughing, Wilbur gestured towards the half-assed, fake tree, which had somehow made it into their garage who knows when. Smiling, the group took the cue, sitting down in a haphazard circle, passing the presents around in probably the least effective way possible, but, hey, it worked in the end.

"Who wants to go first?" Tubbo asked, glancing around at the make-shift family.

"Why don't you, Tubbo," Tommy answered, smiling at his brother as he gestured to the sloppily wrapped box in his hands. Looking up hesitantly, the brunet only waited a moment before tearing it open, his face quickly turning to pure joy as he pulled out a green bandanna. "I- I figured since we- we tend to share my bandanna, you'd- you'd want your ow-" the boy got cut off as Tubbo wrapped his arms around him, tears pricking at his eyes.

"Thank you."

"No- no problem." Techno and Wilbur smiled as they watched the pair, Tubbo only pulling away to gesture towards Tommy's gift, which was neatly wrapped in brown paper, the edged round and tidy. Tommy nodded, taking a deep breath before taking the tape off carefully, as if he was scared to ruin the item inside.

Slowly, he pulled out two records, the vinyl sleek and new. Turning to Wilbur, the blond grinned, before running over to the player to put them in. There was a pause, a faint sound of static rippling through the air, before music filled it, gentle, but haunting. Wilbur smiled.

"I guess you're next," he stated softly, turning to Techno. The boy nodded, unwrapping his gift, nervously. It was a cape, red and warm, messy seams holding the white fuzz at the bottom on haphazardly. Tubbo's handiwork.

"I know- I know it's not perfect, bu-"

Techno cut him off, "I love it." The brunet's eyes widened in surprise.


"Now open your present, you buffoon," Techno teased, shoving Wilbur playfully.

"Okay, okay!" Rolling his eyes, the twin took his present, smiling as a trenchcoat fell into his hands. It was perfect. 

Okay, sorry if there were mistakes or that was cheesy, I'm about to be murdered for staying up this late. Goodnight, and Happy New Years!

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