
299 17 11

TW: Blood, fighting (graphic), insanity, manipulation, swearing, derealization

A/N: Anggstttttttt

 Wilbur sat up slowly, the realization of where he was sinking in. The looming stone walls, the cobblestone arches, the creaky wood bridges and staircases. Pogtopia. A base, a home, a replacement for what was rightfully theirs. It didn't matter anymore, though, he supposed.

Suddenly, a laugh filled his ears. Loud and imposing, the amusement of a mad man.

"What's so funny?" a voice asked, Tubbo.

"It's just exactly as I- exactly as I predicted! It's exactly as I predicted! This is just- this is just all a travesty!" his past self explained through his chuckles, as if celebrating the chaos that had just unfolded. "I- I- I'll tell you- I'll tell you what! Today, today Manburg's safe. I won't blow it up. I won't blow it up, because obviously the button's been destroyed by someone."

"You were- you were going to?" Niki asked quietly, glancing around at the group. Wilbur, the real one, winced.

"Oh, yes! Sorry, Niki! You missed that part. I was going to blow up Manburg. I was gonna completely destroy it in a huge fireball." How had he said it so casually? As if he was discussing the weather, rather than the fate of an entire nation. Suddenly, Wilbur remembered the next part of this scene, what terrible things he had convinced his brothers to do.

"Technoblade!" his past self exclaimed, giving the pig hybrid a side hug in greeting as he entered Pogtopia. "The Blade! The Blade! Aw, look at the gang! The gang's all here!" Tommy's face hardened, glaring at the man across from him. Wilbur's past self seemed to brighten up, his smile widening into a grin as he looked between his two brothers. "Oh, Techno! Watch out, Technoblade! Tommy's angry at you! Look at his eyes! Look at his little- his little- his little arms! He's pissed at you! Technoblade, he's- he's angry! Lil' boy is angry! Look at you! He's angry! He's angry!" Wilbur taunted, smirking at the boy's glower. "Go on! Go on, Tommy- Tommy say something! Say something!" he pushed, rubbing his hands together excitedly. The blond stayed quiet, not bowing to his brother's mocking jeers.

Suddenly, the scene transformed. He was standing in front of The Pit, both Tommy and Techno standing inside. Why did he have to relive this? Why did he have to rewatch one of the things he regretted the most?

"Do it! Do it!" his past self urged, smiling maniacally at his two brothers standing face to face. "Kill him! Kill him! Punch him!" Will stood rooted to the spot, knowing what would happen yet unable to look away.

"I'm not doing this for Wilbur, none of this has to do with Wilbur, anymore," Tommy stated, glancing at the spectators for what would become a blood bath. "You just- you betrayed us, Techno." There was a pause. "You betrayed us." the boy repeated, looking his brother in his eyes.

"I was peer pressured!" the pig hybrid defended, his gaze hardened.

"You can't just keep saying that!"

"There was like twenty guys that would've just shot me where I stood!" Technoblade pointed out, gesturing around.

"You could've literally ran!"

"They had bows!"

"You can't keep using the same bullshit excuse!" Tommy threw the first punch, his fist landing squarely in his brother's stomach.

"Yes! Yes!" the man's past self cheered, his hands clapping excitedly as he watched the two quarrel. Techno quickly fought back, sweeping the younger's leg expertly, before pinning him down, punching the boy's face again, and again. Yield. Please yield, Tommy. Wilbur begged silently, yet he knew there was no way to change the past. The younger boy finally seemed to find his strength as he rolled the pig hybrid off, pulling himself to a stand. "Get it out, Tommy! Think of what he did! Think of what he did to Tubbo!" The boy brought his fists in front of him in a classic fighting stance, just like Techno had taught them. But you can't defeat someone at their own game. "Think of what he did!"

The pinkett easily navigated past the boy's defences, landing a powerful punch right to his jaw. Tommy stumbled back, unsuccessfully trying to catch his fall. The boy's head landed on the ground with a solid crack. Wilbur looked away, falling to his knees. No one had bothered to check if Tommy had been okay, or even if he was alive. They had just left him unconscious in The Pit, blood leaking slowly out of his nose and cheeks, a black eye forming.

"And, there we go," his past self stated quietly, studying the boy's unconscious body as if he was a specimen in a lab. As if he wasn't his friend, his brother. "What?" the man asked incredulously, crouching down next to Wilbur. "Ashamed of what you did?" The brunet didn't bother answering, letting the tears leaking down his face speak for themselves. "Wow, you really have gotten weak. I mean, I knew you had, but, fuck, mate. You need to toughen up!"

"Why are you here? Why won't you just leave me alone?" Wilbur nearly shouted the last word, his glare punctuating the sentence.

"Well, it's not like I want to be here. The only reason I am, is because your conscience cooked me up. So, don't get mad at me." Will looked away, glancing at the surrounding walls, anywhere but at himself. The man shook his head. "Avoid me if you will, but it won't fix the problem." What problem? Before he could get a word out, however, the scene dissolved, leaving him in darkness once more. 

Question for you guys, do you think it's worth reposting (some) of my works on other writing platforms (specifically AO3/Archive Of Our Own)? Anyway, have a wonderful day/night!

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