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TW: Implied drugging, gagging, restraints

A/N: My life is falling apart... Anyway take some angst 😃

 After the visit to the ER, they were given some medication, and were told it was probably from the extreme stress his mind had gone under during the experiment. Not a far stretch. Sighing, Wilbur laid back in his bed, his mind drifting through several random scenarios.

Tap, tap, tap! Wilbur whipped around, his instincts getting kicked into survival mode as he caught a glimpse of a figure in the window. The person waved, their features obscured by the shadows that cloaked their face. Then they were gone, the faint outline of a man traced on the inside of his eyelids, where he had supposedly blocked the light.

Taking a shaky breath, Will made his way towards the window, examining the area around for any sign of the person he had seen only a moment before. There was nothing. It probably was nothing. Hallucinations were not out of the realm of possibilities at this point. But, of course, there was still lingering doubt.


Wilbur woke up slowly, his eyes blinking out the unnatural sleepiness that clogged his mind, the sickly, sweet, chemically smell that coated the back of his throat.

"Ah! You're awake!" a man cried, his face still turned away from Wilbur, fiddling with something on the table in front of him. "I thought it would last a little longer, but this is alright! You'll just have to sit tight for a couple minutes!"

Wilbur tried to speak, to protest, only to find a gag over his mouth, preventing him from forming any legible words, "Wha oo you wan rom me?"

"What was that?" the man asked, finally turning, though Will still couldn't see him, as his head was strapped into place.

"Oo are you?"

"Who am I?" The man paused, tilting his head as he seemed to consider the question. "It's not important. Well, maybe it will be eventually, if I can prove my science is sound. But until then, just call me whatever you want." He glanced over Wilbur's helpless figure, his eyes lingering on the several straps keeping him still. "Any other questions or can I get back to work?" he asked finally, a tinge of annoyance creeping into his tone.

"Wha are you ooing to ee?" the brunet asked desperately, his lips starting to bleed from the tightness of the gag, his eyes stinging with half dried tears that littered his face.

"Oh, you will soon see, Mr. Soot! You will soon see."


Phil sat quietly on the couch, trying to gather his thoughts, the stray wandering that was his mind. Everything was happening so fast, he couldn't even keep up. First Will had gotten back, then he had gotten shot, then everyone found out he was back, and Phil told friends he got hurt, now he had a seizure, and everything was falling apart. It sounded weird when he put it that way.

Sighing, the man stood up, pacing absentmindedly through the kitchen. He just felt so helpless, like he was in a giant chess game, but he was blindfolded and deaf and his opponent was a computer. There were no easy choices and he might as well lay down and give up, the only reason he was still playing being his friends who had bet on him, despite the obvious unfairness of the situation. They were still there.

It brought him back to when Will first went missing, when the entire community kinda halted, no one seeming to know what to do without the person who had been there from the beginning. Whether it was a chaotic game night where every game got banned by his office, or stupid mods where he carried the bits. He brought smiles in spite of terrible situations.

Where had that smile gone?


Swirling his drink slowly, Techno contemplated the morality of buying a plane ticket to the UK and showing up on Phil's doorstep unannounced. Probably wouldn't be one of his brightest ideas, but he had done worse, and he wouldn't be surprised if he filmed it too. Anything for the clout, of course. 

The amazing gagged talk thing was done by me putting a pencil in my mouth and attempting to talk for the 0% of you wondering... I'm tired lmao

Goodnight, and have a wonderful rest of you day!

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