
485 28 16

TW: Swearing, slight anxiety

A/N: Making boba/bubble tea is hard. As in I spent 3 freaking hours making it hard. Then my little sister complained about how it looked and how long it was taking. Sorry, but Dad we had white tapioca pearls, not the brown ones. Needless to say, she got a smaller portion (also 'cause her and caffeine just don't mix).

Should I call them? What if I'm bothering them? What if they make fun of me? Doubts circled through Tommy's mind, pointing out all of the way things could go wrong. He hated "What if..." questions. There was literally no point in asking them, they just stressed people out, yet his mind still insisted on thinking of them.

Making a decision, he got out of his bed and walked over to his PC. Booting it up, he clicked on Discord, making a new group chat. "People Who Know" he titled it, simple enough.

Ring! Ring! Ring! Tommy tapped his fingers impatiently, waiting for Ranboo and Tubbo to pick up. What is taking them so long? Eternity seemed to pass as the pair's icon flashed.

"Hello?" Ranboo asked, sounding tired.

"Hey, Ranboo."

"What's up?"

"I'll tell you after Tubbo gets here."

There was a pause, "Okay." Tommy sighed, he missed when it was simple. Don't get him wrong, it wasn't easy, but at least he had some semblance of control. Now, his entire life seemed to be a series of checks and balances. Everything affected everything. Nothing could go under the radar. No, there were millions of people watching his every move, the universe was posed, ready to strike. One wrong move and the dominoes came crashing down.

"Hey," Tubbo greeted, finally joining the call.

"Hi," the two responded in sync, yet neither laughed, or even pointed it out. There was something heavy in the air, a solemn presence that was laced into the fabric of the space.

"What's- what's going on, Big Man?"

"I- I don't know, I just- I just wanted to talk, ya know? It's- it's just so fuckin' hard, ya know? Keeping everything inside, not being able to talk about it on streams and such. I mean, for fuck's sake I barely even sleep as is, now there's just so much more stress," Tommy ranted, knowing for a fact that this was a safe place, that they wouldn't make fun of him, that they would understand.

"Does that- does that mean Ranboo knows?" Tubbo asked hesitantly, making the boy realize he never told Tubbo that his platonic husband knew about Wilbur (just for continuity, they got married as an inside joke between the three, none of the fans really know, not necessarily a secret, but they just don't really talk about it on stream).

"Yeah, yeah I do," Ranboo answered for him, sounding sad.

"Then why- then why did you ask me the other night?"

"I- I don't know. My brain just wanted to know- I- I have no excuse. I'm- I'm sorry, Tubbo. I shouldn't- I shouldn't have done that."

"It's alright, I guess." Tubbo responded hesitantly, they would probably talk about it later, when they were alone.

"I know what you mean, Tommy," Ranboo admitted, getting the conversation back on track. "Like, there are billions of people in the world but no one would understand what you meant if you wrote a full length novel on it," he paused, "I mean, in our case no one even really knows about it and we aren't supposed to tell anyone so we can't write this hypothetical book but you know what I mean," he added with a dry laugh.

"Yeah," Tubbo agreed, chuckling along. "Right now we are like the only people alive that know what happened to the famous Wilbur Soot." Tommy smiled, they did understand. He honestly wasn't sure what he was so nervous about in the first place. They were his friends, whether he liked it or not, they were there for him. Sure he got a little jealous when he saw all of those compilations of Ranboo/Tubbo moments, but in the end, it was all fun and games. It wasn't like they were leaving him behind, no, their journey had only just begun, and they'd be with him to the end of the line.

Okay, apparently I'm back to updates in the middle of the night, wonderful, wrecking my sleep schedule. Not as bad as some other people I know, won't call out any names, you know who you are. As always, have a wonderful day/night, and just 'cause it's summer/almost summer, doesn't mean you don't have to sleep, just sayin' (not that any of you will actually listen to me). Bye for now!

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