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TW: Implied death

A/N: Sorry for long break, chaos is ensuing, but on the bright side, this is like the second to last chapter, pretty much so... 

It was finished. Stepping back, the blond looked over his creation, the sweet hum of the machine bringing a smile to his face. Wilbur would love it. And, this time? This time no one would interrupt them. He would get to live in the wonderful world the blond had made for him. It would be perfect. There really only was one more step.

Then, everything would fall into place.


Wilbur paced back and forth nervously as the rain pitter pattered against the ground, the droplets landing on his hair and clothes like crystal tears of the sky. I'm real. Closing his eyes, he wrapped his arms around himself, the wind whipping against his face as he let air fill his lungs. Where was his sun? He wanted his sun.

Letting out a small sob, he collapsed onto the ground, not caring as the sky's tears grew into a downpour, nature's melody flooding his ears as he wished desperately for the thin trails of warmth that came with the sun's golden rays. The fuzzy feeling in his stomach that came with lying down on a bed of grass that had been basking all day in the universe's glow. Where had that feeling gone?

I'm so cold.

Sniffling, the man looked out into the rain. He wanted to go home. But, where was home? Was it at L'Manburg? Was it with Techno, Tommy, and Tubbo? Was it here, at Phil's? Where was home?


"Fundy! Fundy, we have to go!" Wilbur whispered urgently, taking only a moment to shake the boy awake, already moving on to grabbing a blanket and bag, his breathing quick.

"Wha- what's going on?" Wilbur ignored the tears that sprang to his eyes.

"Remember how I told you that we'd have to leave someday?"

"Because of Mommy?" Fundy asked softly, brushing his father's shaking hands off and fixing his coat himself, before running over to grab his shoes.

"Yeah, yeah, that's right," Wilbur confirmed, pushing the events from moments before out of his mind. He would process it later. Right now, he had to get Fundy away while Sally was gone. If she ever came back, anyway.

"Where are we gonna go?" the fox hybrid questioned, his eyes wide as his father checked him over, making sure they had everything.

"My- my brother invited me over to a place, he said- he said he wanted my help with something," the brunet explained, his panic starting to catch up with him.

"With what?"

"I don't know."

"What's the place called?" Wilbur paused, trying to remember the name scribbled out in Tommy's chicken scratch.

"I- I think it was called Essempi?"


"Oh, Darling," the blond purred, crouching down next to Wilbur's collapsed figure. The man flinched away, panic filling his eyes. "Shhhhh," he whispered, his hand running through the brunet's hair gently. "It's alright." Phil had left the house a while ago, probably to get groceries. He had left Wilbur all alone. "Do you want to go home?" he asked softly, tilting his head questioningly at the man. "I can take you home."

Wilbur closed his eyes, tears running down his face as he fought with himself. Fight or flight. Stay or run. Friend or foe.

"I'll take you home." That was all it took. The brunet nodded. Smiling softly, the blond pulled out a syringe, and before Wilbur could react, he was asleep.


"Count to ten, Ghostbur! Count to ten!" Tommy shouted desperately, his eyes wide as he looked out over the lava separating them. "With me."

"One," they said together, panic clawing at the inside of Ghostbur's chest as he felt Dream snake closer.


They were just playing hide and seek.


"We're not gonna die," Tommy assured, and Ghostbur believed him.


"It's fine. It's okay."


It was the four of them. Him, Tommy, Techno, and Tubbo.


"Think of the blue."


They were in a field.


Just playing hide and seek


Nothing to be afraid of.


"It's gonna be okay."

"Stop counting!" Sam yelled, and Ghostbur flinched, the image of them running through the field disappearing, the cruel reality snapping back all at once.

"It's gonna be okay," Tommy whispered again, before turning to Sam. "Send me over. You don't know what- how are you this fu- you are the-" he cut himself off, looking back at the cell.

"Let me out!" Dream demanded, a hand suddenly being placed on the ghost's shoulder, sending fear skittering through him.

"I'm not letting you out, Dream!" Sam yelled back, a sword held tightly in his hands.

"Dream, you fucking sick bastard," Tommy whispered, and Ghostbur closed his eyes, a single, burning tear running down his cheek. He didn't want to die.

"Fine," Dream stated, a smirk making its way onto his smug face.

"Back up, Tommy!" Sam ordered, pushing the boy back towards the wall as he stepped forward, gaze desperate. "Back up! Go over there! Go by the bed!"

"No, no, no, no, no, no, but he's there!"

"You- you promised it would be okay!" Ghostbur yelled desperately, Dream's hand tightening as he struggled to get forward, not caring as tears burned down his face. "Tommy, you promised me it would just be a- it would be a quick thing!"

Lava started to fill the moat, and the ghost looked around desperately. His skin boiling as Dream pulled him closer.

"Tommy, you said it would be okay!" And then, for the first time in his existence, Ghostbur felt warm. 

Ayyyy, we love roller coasters of emotions. As I said this will probably one of the last chapters, and after this is done I'll prob go through and rewrite/delete the crappy ones in this story, cause I'm a perfectionist. 

'Til next time!

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