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Field trips was something that Ambrosia liked because she gets out of class, but this time, its different. She was going to talk to Jasper more today. Her father told her the night before if she really likes Jasper then to go for it. She noticed she arrived at school and parked.

Jasper saw her and smiled as he watched her get out making him walk to her. "Hey." She said as he kissed her making her smile.

Bella watched them shocked to see them kissing. Jasper pulled away making her smile as they heard Bryce, Alice and Edward. "So today after school, the two of us need to talk."

"Of course." Ambrosia says as she grabbed his hand. "I have all the time in the world if you don't want to talk about it just yet. Just know that I could never be afraid of you."

Jasper smiled as he knew that she was right, but he felt like she should know now, especially with the way Bella was asking questions.
Jasper watched as Ambrosia looked at each flower. She would tell stories about how her father would pick flowers just like them to put on her mother's grave. "She wasn't supposed to get pregnant, but when she did, her parents tried to abort me, but she didn't."

"How did Phil feel about that?"

"He said that he supported her choice. If she wanted to have me then she could. It was all up to her." Ambrosia said. "He said that neither of them regretted the choice she made as I became my father's biggest fan."

"Daddy's girl?"

"Yep." She said and sighed. "Thanks for listening."

"Why do you not like Bella?" Bryce asked making them look at her. "What?"

"I thought I told..."

"Its fine and I don't hate her." She said. "I was happy when Renee came into our lives, but Bella, she had this idea of her parents getting back together. She blamed me for them getting together."

"You didn't bring them together."

Ambrosia shook her head no. "But she also hated the fact that I got attention when I didn't ask for it. Like now." She said. "Edward doesn't talk to her much like you do. Edward left for a week and she just doesn't like how we have been since day one."

Jasper and Bryce rolled their eyes. "Ambrosia, Edward learnt from his mistake." Jasper says. "But you, I never made the mistake to leave or treat you badly."

Ambrosia smiled as she linked her arm with Jasper's as they walked passed Bella and Edward. Edward heard every word, but knew he shouldn't. One tells the truth and the other lies.
After school, Jasper wasn't joking when he said he need to tell Ambrosia something. Instead of him going with the others, he went with Ambrosia. She drove to a secluded area that Jasper told her about and came to a stop. He got out as  she did. "What I am about to tell you is something that you would have thought was a myth. A legend."

Ambrosia touched his arm as she stood behind him. "What are you, Jasper?"

"Vampire." He said. "I know your not afraid because I have a gift where I can feel and manipulate emotions."

"An empath?"

"Yes and you are rare."


Jasper turned around and kissed her head. "You are my mate." He tells her, but he had to tell her there was more to there bond. "Ambrosia, there is more to this bond then you think and with your help, we will know."

"Mates?" She said with a smile. "I would love to know what there is to our bond."

"I learnt more about the day of the accident." He said. "Your headache was from stress." Ambrosia nodded as she has been ignoring Bella. "You are also a copycat. The day of the accident, you told us you had a dream." She nodded again. "You copied Alice's gift the day before the accident."

"Wow." She said. "So that's why Bella is asking."

Jasper nodded as he wrapped his arms around her. Ambrosia smiled as she stayed in the arms she was coming to love.
"He told her." Alice tells Bryce.

"Now to tell her we knew about her the day she was born." Bryce said. "Now we have to deal with one human..."

"Will you ever stop." Edward said as he left to think about Bella.

No one said a word as they know that Ambrosia and Jasper were happy and slowly, they were falling for one another more and more each day. One by one, they all decided to go hunt and think of when they all she meet Ambrosia Dwyer, the rare mate.

His Rare Mate-Jasper Hale Where stories live. Discover now