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Ambrosia woke up in cold sweat. She has no idea what she saw or how, but something was going to happen and she doesn't know if someone gets hurt or what. Ambrosia ran to her closet and started getting dress as she needed to tell him about it. She froze as she grabbed her head wondering what was going on.

"Ambrosia, we're running late!"

"Okay." She replies as she quickly got dress and put her hair up before running out of her room.

When she got outside, she slipped and sighed. "Today is not my day."

"Are you okay?" Bella asked.

"Yeah. Where's Charlie?"

"Helping another county with an animal attack."

Ambrosia knew better because if it was an animal attack, there wouldn't be a body. "That doesn't make any sense and that's all I'm saying."
The two arrived at school together as Ambrosia was't going to go with her head hurting like it was. Jasper was confused and knew something was wrong. Ambrosia got out and started walking in when she grabbed her head making Jasper run to her. "Ambrosia."

She looked up to see Jasper and smiled. "Hi."

"What's wrong?" He asked.

Ambrosia grabbed Jasper and pulled him along as they walked up to the doors. She needed to find a place where she can speak to him alone and no one listening in. She found an empty classroom and pushed Jasper in. "Don't think I am going crazy, but I feel like something's going to happen. I had this dream that someone was going to get hurt and its like I hit my head when I didn't."

Jasper walked over to her and looked her in the eyes. "I would never think your crazy." He tells her. "Maybe the reason why is the same reason I can do this."

Ambrosia looked at him shocked by the calmness she suddenly felt. "How?"

"I will explain later, but I promise that what you have is a gift. Maybe you are able to see thing that others can't see and you feel their pain." Jasper tells her. "Just know that I would never think your crazy."

Outside of the room, Bryce listened to them and looked to see Jasper and Ambrosia hugging one another. Jasper was going to tell her the truth and there was no way of stopping him.
Ambrosia walked with Jasper shocking everyone. "What is he doing?"

"Spending time with his mate." Bryce replies as she looked at Rosalie. "He won't stay away and I learnt that Ambrosia is nothing like Bella. They maybe step sisters, but they are polar opposites. Let Jasper be."

"Why are you with me and not with your family?"

"I want to talk some more about what I did earlier and later I will tell you the true story about what I am."

Ambrosia smiled as she looked at him. "Bella's watching." She tells him.

"I don't care." He tells her. "You are my priority."

Ambrosia smiled as she laid her head on his chest. Feeling him kiss her head made her smile. Jasper watched as she ate her fruit instead of the pasta and wondered why she didn't eat the pasta. Ambrosia looked up at him with a smile and knew that today would be good and she would ignore her dream and the pain she felt.
Once class ended, Jasper walked with Ambrosia. "I need to go get my art supplies today." She tells him.

"What if I took you?"

"Jasper, if you have plans..."

"I don't mind." He tells her. "I rather be with you so nothing won't happen."

Ambrosia smiled as she stopped walking and grabbed her head. The sound of a van had her look and see it going straight for Bella. She saw Edward get to Bella quickly, but felt that sharp pain in her head. "Ambrosia?" Jasper said.

"I-I think I need to go home."

Jasper looked at Edward and had to ask if Bella hit her head. "Let's go." He tells her.
"Did Bella hit her head?" Jasper asked.

"Not hard, but Carlisle thinks that Ambrosia needs to come in. He believes there could be a reason for her headaches." Edward tells him.

"She said she had this dream that something was going to happen and her head was hurting when she woke up." Jasper said. "I don't think its a tumor."

Before Edward could say a word, Jasper left to hunt. Carlisle wasn't thinking it was a tumor, he was thinking she is a copycat or she is a seer. Whatever was going on, Carlisle will find out for his son. Ambrosia is important to them since Jasper actually met her. She maybe a rare mate.

His Rare Mate-Jasper Hale Where stories live. Discover now