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"Dad, she just forced herself into meeting the Cullens and Jasper was so uncomfortable. I hated that happened." She tells him. "I'll let you go to the cages, but please don't tell Renee how Bella is acting." She smiled as he promised. "I love you, dad and I'll talk to you later. I'm going to finish getting ready to go play ball with Jasper."

The sound of a horn had Ambrosia looking out her window and smiled as she saw Jasper. She grabbed her jacket and hat before walking out of her room. Bella and Edward watched Ambrosia kissed Charlie's head before leaving. "Dad..."

"She said I was like another father. I'm not going to treat her as a stranger since she has been around more than you have since you got with Edward." Charlie tells them.

Bella stared in shock as she couldn't believe what she just heard. Her step sister is like a daughter to Charlie more than herself. Edward didn't say a word as he guided Bella out of the house.
Ambrosia sat watching Jasper as Bryce walked over. "Why is Bella here?"

"Ask Edward." Ambrosia said.

Bryce nodded. "Oh. How's Phil?"

"Right about now, he should be practicing." She tells her as Jasper walked over and kissed her. "Mmm. Good luck."

"I will."

Bryce rolled her eyes as she watched her brother and his mate. She looked to see Bella and rolled her eyes as she went up to the plate. "Baby, let's get this game over with so we can go home." She said looking at Bella with a glare.

Ambrosia and Jasper shared a look as they didn't know what to say. Alice nodded making them start the game. Ambrosia walked a little ways from them as Jasper started to be a show off with his bat causing Ambrosia to laugh. Jasper looked at Ambrosia with a smirk causing her to blush.

The others watched them causing some to smile. Bella was furious as Edward doesn't show that much of affection like Jasper does with Ambrosia. Jasper was up to bat causing Ambrosia to smile the game was interesting and she liked the storm idea. It was an amazing idea. Bella watched her step sister and noticed she was more into the game than she was.

Ambrosia looked at Alice to see she has frozen. Somehow, she saw what Alice was seeing causing her to look at Jasper. "We have uninvited guest coming."


Ambrosia watched Edward go to Bella causing Jasper to go to Ambrosia. She wasn't scared or panicking like the other two were. "She's not panicking." Bella asked. "Why?"

"Because she has nothing to fear. Her blood doesn't have a scent, but she does smell like Jasper." Edward explains.

Bryce looked at her brother as Ambrosia and Jasper were talking so low that no one could hear them. The three nomads arrived as Jasper and Ambrosia continued to talk. "Their here." She mumbled not looking.

"I know, but I'm not worried."

Ambrosia smiled as she wasn't either. The two started to walk further away as Bella glared at them. Jasper looked at Ambrosia as the wind blew. "You brought a snack."


"It's not you he was talking about. It's Bella."

"Danger still manages to find her." She mumbled as she looked at Jasper. "What now?'

"A hunt that we are staying out of." Jasper tells her. "We are going to go do whatever you want while they deal with James."

Ambrosia nodded as she walked with Jasper. He picked her up and left. "Are they not going to help?" Bella asked Edward as they were leaving.

"No." Edward said. "James isn't after them and Jasper only protects his mate and those he cares about."

Bella couldn't believe that she wasn't that important to Jasper or Bryce, but the only reason why Bryce was doing this was to keep Alice safe. They left planning what she has to say in order to leave and she knew that once she says those words to her dad, Ambrosia might kill her. Oh boy.
Jasper and Ambrosia walked in to hear Bella. "Bella!" Ambrosia said as Bella walked out. She walked over to Charlie and hugged him. "I don't know how she is Renee's daughter or your's, but I'm sorry for how she is acting."

"It's not you. It's Edward." Charlie said as he walked away.

Jasper and Ambrosia shared a look and knew that Edward was now on Charlie's bad side. The two went in to watch the game to give Charlie some company and enjoy the rest of their night with no drama at all. Just them and the game.

His Rare Mate-Jasper Hale Where stories live. Discover now