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Ambrosia was invited to the beach, but she had other plans. Spending the day with Jasper. He told her his parents keep asking to meet her and she didn't know if she was ready for that just yet. She put on an outfit just as Jasper arrived. "Ready?"

"Yeah." She said. "I get to be around you today."

Jasper smiled as he walked over to her and held her. Ambrosia looked up at him as he smiled. "As long as you have a good day today, that's all that matters to me."

Ambrosia smiled as she laid her head against his chest and sighed. "I think I'll have a good day as long as I'm with you." She said. "If you want me to, I'll meet your family."

Jasper sighed as he knew this was coming. "Okay." He said. "It gets them off my tail."

Ambrosia laughed as they walked out of the house. Jasper smiled as he loved hearing her laugh as they walked together. He opened the door making her smile as she got in. Now she was starting to have second thoughts about this, but she was doing it for Jasper.
Ambrosia grabbed Jasper's hand and looked at him. "I'm nervous." She tells him.

"I'm right here." He tells her. "Every step of the way."

Ambrosia nodded as they walked in. Hearing a tv made her look at Jasper knowing they were cooking. "Alice told them." She said. "Why am I not surprised?"

"It's Alice. When she gets excited she has to tell or she'll hide it." Jasper said. "That's why I never knew about you..."

"You did know about her." Bryce said gaining their attention. "We knew about you on the day you were born. Thats why we are more protective of you."

"Protective?" Ambrosia said as she looked at her. "I'm not in any danger so why do I have to be protective."

"Your step sister for one." Jasper says. "Than there are the mutts at La Push."

"Mutts?" She said.

"Shifters." Jasper said. "Come and I'll explain."

They watched as Jasper left with his mate. "She is a rare mate." Esme said. "You can see it within their bond. There is more to their bond than we know."

Carlisle stood thinking as he knew he had to call Eleazar about Jasper's mate. If he is correct then Ambrosia may be a soulmate. Edward looked at him shock. "No." He said. "There is no way they are soulmates."

"He knew when she was born, Alice even saw her being born."

"I saw what her life was going to be like." Alice said. "She was born for Jasper."
Ambrosia smiled as she looked around Jasper's room. Jasper walked over to her causing her to look at him as he started dancing with her. Ambrosia smiled as this was peaceful for her. No Bella asking questions, no one asking her questions about her relationship with Jasper, etc,. She leaned up and kissed him as she had her life right here.

Jasper held her tight as they kissed one another. Bryce smiled as she watched her brother kiss his mate making him pull away. "What, Bryce?"

"I thought I could talk to Ambrosia about our life."

Ambrosia looked at Jasper. "That's if you want too." She said. "I don't mind to wait for you to tell me, Jasper. I have all the time in the world."

Jasper looked at his sister who held a smile. "I think you should know."

Ambrosia nodded as she grabbed his hand and they sat down together. Bryce stood where she was as Alice skipped in to join in on their story. Ambrosia was shocked to hear that Jasper was lied to and used. Maria wasn't his mate, she made him believe that and when he discovered the truth, it hurt. "Jasper, you don't ever have to think like that." She says. "I'm here and I will prove to you that you are the strongest vampire that I know."

Alice and Bryce could tell right there that Jasper had his support and love. Ambrosia Dwyer.

His Rare Mate-Jasper Hale Where stories live. Discover now