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Ambrosia sighed as she didn't want to go to school on her second day in Forks, but she knew that her dad would kick her ass if she didn't go to school. That was the difference between Bella and herself. Ambrosia was raised by a parent that was somewhat strict and taught her a lot, like self defense. "Bella, its time to go."


There was days she could stand Bella and days she can't. Bella can be a sweet girl, but she can be a little nosy. Ambrosia grabbed her keys and walked out and smiled. "Thank you, daddy for bringing my baby." She mumbled as she got in her car and drove off to Forks high school. Something was telling her that she would be meeting someone who would change her world upside down.
Jasper watched Bryce and Alice giggling over something. He was curious about his sister and her mate's visions, but the two liked to tease and keep secrets. Ambrosia pulled in causing everyone to look at the mustang that pulled in. Everyone was shocked by the sports car. "Oh my god." Bryce said. "Alice, baby, Jasper's mate owns my dream car." She realized what she said and looked at Alice. "Oops."

"Bryce, I love you so much, but you know how to ruin the surprise."

"Sorry." She said pouting making Alice kiss her. "Yay, I'm forgiven."

Jasper shook his head and looked at the new girl. She was beautiful. He felt everyone's lust and growled as this human was his. One whistled at Ambrosia causing her to look at him with a glare. "Keep your damn eyes to yourself." She said. "I will not have none of you horny assholes thinking you can get with me. I'm not desperate."

Jasper smirked as he found himself a woman. "Damn, she's hot when pissed." Jasper mumbled making Bryce smile.

"See, baby, Jasper is already head over heals for the model." She said. "Go get your woman, Jazz."

Jasper shook his head at his sister and walked away. They all looked at Bryce who looked at them. "What?"
Bella walked in to see Ambrosia bump into a blonde guy who caught her quickly. She rolled her eyes as Ambrosia always gets the attention. "Are you alright?" He asked as the sparks of electricity flowed through them.

"Yeah." She said as she looked at his golden eyes. "I'm sorry, I was looking at my schedule."

"It's okay." He tells her. "I'm Jasper."


"Do you need help?"

Ambrosia nodded and let him look at her schedule. Both genders of the school envied the two. They looked amazing together and everyone knew this. Jasper smiled as her schedule proved they have all the same classes meaning they get to know one another faster.

Bella walked out and looked at them. "Typical."

"Hey." Ambrosia said. "Do we share any classes?"

Bella handed over the schedule and Ambrosia sighed. "We don't." She said. "I'll see you around."


Ambrosia rolled her eyes as Jasper looked at her in relief that Bella was gone. "Are you friends?"

"We're step sisters. We have a love hate relationship. We get along one minute and the next we hate each other." Ambrosia tells him. "I'm not worried as this happens all the time."

Jasper nodded, but couldn't fully trust Bella. Something about her made him feel uneasy and it wasn't just her blood that bothered him, it was her attitude and how Ambrosia described their relationship.
Lunch came around and Ambrosia's day was so far great. That was all because of Jasper. "Like your day so far, ma'am."

"Everyone listened to my warning." She tells him. "I'm going to go eat my lunch and find an empty table to sketch."

"I'll meet you in there after I have spoken to my family."


Ambrosia walked in and the first thing that she didn't want to happen was the annoying boy who's name is Mike Newton. "Hey, beautiful."

"Yeah, fuck off." She said as she saw Jessica and whispered. "You can do so much better."

Jessica Stanley looked at the other new girl shocked. She always liked mike, but he never looked at her like he does everyone else. She might listen to Ambrosia and move on, but first she wanted to try one more time.

Ambrosia smiled as she found her an empty table. Placing her tray down, Ambrosia started eating as she looked at the sketch she was working on. Jasper walked in with his family in front of them. Bella watched along with everyone to see Jasper sit down beside Ambrosia. "Hi." She replies.

"Hey." He said. "May I look?"

Ambrosia handed him her sketches and looked through each one. Jasper was shocked by how talented she was. Ambrosia was eating as Jasper looked. He just couldn't get over how perfect these sketches looked. His mate is definitely talented.
Last class of the day and Ambrosia and Jasper were having a deep conversation. "Why did you move here in the first place if Charlie isn't your dad?"

"I thought about it for sometime to come here and possibility to live here. Dad never had his honeymoon and he felt like he was neglecting me when he was on the road, but I told him he wasn't and never will because he had to work so we can have money."

"What does he do?"

"Minor league baseball." She tells him. "He hopes someday he will be in the major leagues."


Ambrosia smiled as she gave her slip to their teacher. "Yeah. I will always be his number one fan just like he is with my sketches." She took the slip back and sat down.

"It's good that you have that father daughter bond when some don't."


Ambrosia and Jasper had to stop talking as it was time for class and for them to take notes. The two looked at one another and smiled as they listened to their teacher.
"Dad!" Ambrosia said that night on the phone. "Charlie was saying the same thing, but I promise that I had a wonderful day. Charlie told me where I can get more art supplies when needed and Jasper..." Ambrosia shook her head laughing. "We're just friends dad and two we also met. So don't panic till he asks me out, but thats if he wants a girlfriend."

Bella listened as Ambrosia spoke to Phil and sighed. Her day went from good to bad all because Edward's attitude. She knows that there is something off with the Cullens and she will find out soon.

His Rare Mate-Jasper Hale Where stories live. Discover now