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Ambrosia could tell that today, Bella Swan was going to find out the truth. The one thing Ambrosia wasn't hoping and it wasn't for her. It was for Jasper. "Ambrosia." She looked at Bella. "Where's the Cullens?"

"They went camping." Jessica said. "When the sun is out, Mrs. Cullen takes them out of school."

Ambrosia nodded in agreement and went back to looking at her book that was in her hand. She heard them talking about prom dress shopping, but she didn't really want to go. "Ambrosia will go."

"Say what?" She said as she looked at Bella. "No. I have plans to talk to dad..."


Ambrosia scoffed as she walked away. She pulled her phone out and dialed Jasper's number. "I am seriously thinking off murdering her." She said as she made it to her locker. "She told them that I will go dress shopping. I'm not going."
Jasper looked at Edward and shook his head. "I don't know why she did that, but Ambrosia is thinking of murdering Bella." He said. "What makes Bella think that she can just tell my mate what she can and can't do."

"I don't know." He said. "I guess she's hoping that Ambrosia will tell."

Jasper shook his head and walked away. He knew Ambrosia would never tell Bella. The two don't get along as it is so he doesn't see why Bella would ask the one person who can't stand her at times. Jasper decided to surprise Ambrosia and take her on a date just so nothing won't happen.


"Yes, Bryce."

"I think Ambrosia might come here instead of going with Bella." She said as Alice walked in with a smile. "Alice saw her leaving before she gets dragged off to Port Angeles."

Jasper smiled as he was glad to hear that Ambrosia would be coming here.
After school ended, Ambrosia got in her car without Bella seeing her and left. "There is no way in hell am I going to do dress shopping just so she can find out the Cullens secret." She said as she drove through town.

Jasper shook his head as he watched Bryce and Rosalie work on a car. "Why am I here again?" He asked.

"Because I want to spend time with my brother." Bryce says. "Plus, I want to know Ambrosia and no one can't know her if you whisk her away."

Jasper cocked his head to the side as Ambrosia arrived. The three looked to see her. Ambrosia parked her car, turned it off, and got out. Jasper looked at her as she walked over and kissed him which shocked him. This girl is usually calm, but her emotions was frustrated and upset. Jasper pulled away and looked at her. "Ambrosia, darlin', what's the matter?"

"Bella just had to make a decision without me making it my own. I don't do dresses. I hate those things and I rather be dead then go to prom." She says as she looked at Jasper. "She's finding out tonight."

"How do you know?" Rosalie asked as Ambrosia showed the sticky note.

"I'm pretty that address is own by one of the Quilettes." She said as they looked at the stores name.

"She knows.'

His Rare Mate-Jasper Hale Where stories live. Discover now