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Today was Bella's birthday and Ambrosia knew the girl wasn't exactly excited for it too. The reason why. Bella Swan isn't a vampire. Ambrosia didn't care as she was just looking forward to going to school and being with Jasper. Alice told her about the party, but Ambrosia had made it clear that if something happens because of Bella's clumsiness, don't put Jasper down.



"What are you doing?"

"Umm...getting ready for school. Why?" She asked.

"Just wondering." Bella said as she walked away.

Ambrosia rolled her eyes as she walked out of her room and out the door. She wasn't going to waste her breath on telling her happy birthday knowing that she doesn't want to be remind that she's not seventeen.
At school, Ambrosia walked out of her class just to be kissed by Jasper. "Mmm.'

"Someone's not too excited about her birthday."

"Ah. That's between her and Edward." She tells him as they walked together. "I know you have to use your gift, but I want you to know that I have a very bad feeling about this party."

"I know, but I'm sure everything will be alright." He tells her. "If not, I'll let you rub it in my face."

Ambrosia laughed as they stopped a few feet away from Alice, Bryce, Bella and Edward. Jasper focused on Bella's emotions causing Ambrosia to laugh as she watched Bella give in for the gift. "Not fair using your gift."

"I found it funny." Ambrosia said. "Bella, just enjoy today and don't think about being 18. There's nothing wrong with it."

Bella rolled her eyes and walked away. "I see why you two don't get along." Bryce said. "Now. What are you two doing before the party starts?"

Ambrosia walked away with no answer. Jasper sighed as he knew she was worried. "Jasper, what's going on?"

"She feels like something is about to happen." He tells them. "I don't know what to do, but to believe her."

They nodded as he followed after her. Bryce and Alice shared a look before going somewhere else.
At the Cullens, Ambrosia stood in front of the mirror in Jasper's room as he walked in. He smiled at what she was wearing and walked over to her. "You look fantastic." He says as he kissed her head. "Darlin?"

"I'm not too happy about this." She tells him as she looked at him. "Jasper, can we please go somewhere else. A date or do something."

Jasper went to say something when Bryce walked in. "It's time."

Ambrosia looked at him as he sighed. "I know you're worried, baby, but we have to do this or we might not hear the end of it."

Ambrosia nodded as she walked around him. Jasper knew she was upset and sighed. He wished he listened to her. They got to the bottom of the stairs just as Bella walked out. Ambrosia just walked outside as Jasper stood beside his sister. "Where's Ambrosia?" She asked.

"Upset because she knows this is a bad idea." He said. "I should have just left like she asked."

Bella cut her finger causing the vampires in the room to look at her. Ambrosia heard noises and knew. Jasper felt their emotions making him attack. They got him outside just for him to hug Ambrosia. "I should have listened to you." He tells her. "This is what you were trying to tell me."

"Yes." She tells him. "I know what else might happen."

Jasper picked Ambrosia up and took her somewhere else.
Ambrosia laid beside Jasper as he ran his fingers through her hair. "Edward called for a meeting for us to leave." He tells her. "I don't want to leave you, darlin."

"Jasper, go." She tells him.

"No." He said as he stood up. "I'm not leaving you."

"Jasper, I can't have Bella aggravating us for you to turn her." She said with tears in her eyes as she ran to him. "I don't want you to leave either, but this is the only way. Just promise to call me everyday and that you will come back to me."

Jasper looked at her heart broken. "Ambrosia, I promise to always call you and I will come back. It might not be that long because the thought of us being apart kills me." He said as he kissed her. "I love you."

"I love you." She tells him as she kissed him. "Just one more time before you leave."

Jasper nodded as he laid her back down in the bed for their last moment together.

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