Twenty two

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Filler chapter
When she heard talking, Ambrosia got out of bed and went downstairs. Jasper heard a noise and knew she was awake. Bryce watched as he went in between Bella and Edward and stopped. "What are they doing?"

"Having a vote. The Volturi wants her to turn."

"Really?" She says. "I say let it happen so she will stop asking, Edward. If you didn't want her to turn, you should have just stayed away."

Bella watched the expecting couple walk down and past the others. Carlisle looked at them as Bella and Edward left. She got a no from Rosalie and the rest yes, but Ambrosia and Jasper says to just do it. She doesn't know anymore as Ambrosia and Jasper rather stay out of things.
"How's the baby?"

"Growing." She replies. "I'm naming him Phil. After my dad."

Jasper gave her a glass of blood causing her to smile. Carlisle wanted to ask questions, but he saw how Jasper and Ambrosia were. "Jasper, let's start finding a house of our own."

"I think that is wise."

"I love you."

"I love you."

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